Saturday, March 19, 2011

Alpha Kappa Alpha Interest Letters

Laura Pausini - Te-Trip With Daddy wishes

Today March 19 and 'the many Father's Day Happy Birthday Dad. There 's a beautiful song by Laura Pausini "Journey with You" that starts like this': "We wake up with a kiss and then you went to bed while we were running in the school that said" learn to live. " "What I would not do to give back the lost time now, I learned to love like you, all this life threatening me, I learned your courage, and I realized the folly shy of your being single 'cause, you're half of my trip for me, and so more and more, looks like you, in your smiles and greetings lacrime.Tanti dad.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Creative Butterfly Saying

lies lies .... no no ..

"lies have a long nose and short legs," I hate liars regardless, do not tell lies, even with good intentions .. comunq sempe then the truth comes to light ...

ivano ah, tell me that you saw a peace of mind, which is definitely good .. I do not have to worry about ..
then today I discover that you say you saw it so bad, the ugly, which is alarming as it is proposed that the earrings .... hair gel with high, such as nails ...
that is unkempt and looks sick ..

yesterday I saw Silvia, my dear .. but my beautiful daughter:
hugs me and tells me
- but you know that last night I saw my uncle at the cinema?
answer yes, I know. And she
- you said something?
- no no .... because it had to tell me? And she
- no nothing ...

is this anything at all??

as hate NOTHING!

... I feel bad .. that I can not do anything, that I can only wait ..
but wait what? I
anyone help me in recovering the relationship with my son ... no one ever tried to act as intermediary, to talk to him .. conoscderne of thoughts .. to get closer ... I know that without a "peacemaker" our roads will join more ..
but no one ... neither you nor Silvia .. you who read my pain in my eyes, not that you are my daughter ... shame!
nothing that I can, because he has changed the phone number ... anything that I can because:
pray to God to never meet, otherwise you would not know ..

still burn these words you wrote to me via sms ... up, make me sick at heart as yesterday ...


Where Can I Find An Example Of Card Stacking


How many times have I thought about it,
My world is falling down
Inside a sea full of fun,

How many times I wanted to help this world too
For those who are suffering Like you

The world that I would
thousand hearts to beat more would
thousand loves.
The world that I would

thousand hands and a thousand arms to the children of tomorrow, which, with their eyes
demand more
Save them too.

For those who believe in the same sun
There is no race ever color
Because the heart of who God has another
is the same as mine.

For those still hope for a smile,
Because her tomorrow
And it has decided that its future
Convict And with you.

The world that I would disappear for us flowers,
not feel
The sound of the guns.
The world that I would like, would do more justice

For all those who have seen war,
with their eyes and ask for more
Save them too.

How do you stay here, so
Indifferent To all the kids who never grow

But what sense does not listen and change

given the world the peace that can not wait more
In the world I uh uh uh

In the world I would
We will all have a heart.

The World is called Love.

hold strong in my hands and feel the world I would want the world
Uh uh uh I would like

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Genital Acne Or Warts

I found this story on the web, it made me smile so I posted maybe snatch a smile to you ... happy reading

Monday. Year 0. Month to define. Day 1.
My name is Eva and I was born from the rib of this fool who stands beside me. His name is Adam. Him? God created it, a ... a ... I do not know what I have never seen, but it says its created by me - of Adam - ... ribs are a bit 'confused. This
I do not like Adam, it seems a bit 'stupid, indeed, moves his head up and down and stretch your hands ... what comes to touch, then I do not know. But I believe I'll have to let me pleasure to strength. It is the only man on earth.
Oh well, at least I have this conviction: he is a man and I am a woman ... but what's the difference?

Wednesday. Year 0. Month to define. Day 3
Why the discrepancy of two days, you ask? Maybe there is not two? Better that way, then you do not meneranno with the square root of two perfect number, however, defies any attempt to raise it to perfection.
Yes, unfortunately for you two there, just yesterday, busy, take your hands off of this octopus amoebic next door and I turn around a bit ' around to see where I was - a most agreeable place, for that matter - I did not have time for my diary. I had an uncontrollable desire to write but I could not find a moment to do so, world dog (?!?).
The problem is that I have no one to talk, and then I'm forced to turn to you my diary, even to drive quell'energumeno thinking only one thing: to lay hands on him, saying: "I can not, dear Adam, I'm writing my diary - because I'm sure that it is useful to take notes in a new environment like this ...
However, today I was downtown in the forest that - God, the unknown - just created. What a variety of strange, I do not know how to define them ... the only definition that comes to me is that they seem less like quell'attrezzo coming up - defy gravity - to Adam when he started to touch me ... anyway, I said, what a variety of strange tools, with lots of soft parts, like my hair, and green, so many beautiful shades of green ...

Thursday. Year 0. Month: To be announced. Day 4
I decided to keep my diary every day, whatever the cost.
Already yesterday I wondered how many things I know and many do not know, maybe I indoctrinate overnight. For example, I know today that those things are called straight trees, but I do not know how to call those who have green hair, there, at the top. And why, I wonder, Adam Hair (blacks) are at the base of the tree and tree top? Do not understand it ... another thing I do not understand is why that want to slide it all over his shaft. This morning I found that he had slipped into a hole and then had a mole picture, screaming like a madman and a graffiettino that dripped a few drops of blood (which you had seen scenes that did, seemed dead) because that , the mole, to defend him had snapped. Maybe he wants to be tree, I said. As the trees are one with the earth that receives them, he also wants to recreate the rest of this unitary state ... he has a head up (ah, you see, I got this too) hair and blacks could be a different type of tree ... then later I caught trying to put into the mouth of a chicken and said to myself: "No, this is not the explanation." Here, by the way, chicken is another word that comes immediately ... like pig! If I think of Adam. Mysteries of the Faith - Toh! Also this ... faith ... what a beautiful word ...

Saturday. Year 0. Month to define. Day 6
Excuse me ... excuse me ... my good intentions to write my diary is always absolutely blown immediately.
and yesterday Adam, the idiot, I ran below as a rowdy all day ... I imagine the laughter that you did not know what will be seeing the crime. He wanted to force her slip that thing everywhere, but I do not ... I had absolutely no intention mica has a mole hole, I ... and then if I still stuck, I do? It was hard, screamed, jumped, it seemed he had never seen a woman! In fact, I'm the only
... And if there was another? Also try to jump on her? This thought provokes in me a certain jealousy. It 'a dimwitted, yes, but I feel a certain affection for him ...

So, to make short, I ran away from the brute for hours and hours, valleys, ravines, gorges, forests and undergrowth of this enchanting place. (Oaks, pomegranates, jasmine fragrant, majestic willows). What I have proved useful for exploring the area, beautiful, quiet, pleasant, quiet, pristine and crystal clear. Puddles pure, pristine rivers, waterfalls, voluptuous, and finally coming out ... in a clearing on top of a hill, suddenly ... a great view ... and far, far away, a plain blue where white spray soul so that gave her a sense of fluctuating motion and you lose you again and revived in the blue steel of the plain moving. And then sound, strong, dull, continuous, but so charming, rhythmic, haunting, that filled the universe and my heart. Even the silly, popped out from the boughs of the forest like a madman, his body forward and the arms rotate as eddies, as if he were falling, he stopped and stood there in silence, watching and listening ... sniffing a little 'l 'air. All we needed was just that I was next and rest firmly on my shoulder like an arm in Gone with the Wind ... (?!?) ... I speak of that strange things ...

Also I have smelled, then, and felt a different smell from that of forest: it was a strong smell that stung nostrils and at times did burn eyes. It was the smell of that vast, beautiful plains. We stayed there a long time ... the sky and the plains had some of the same color and both were sprayed in white. Maybe that was God, maybe he had created us? A lot of questions crowding my mind. I wanted to go down, go over and tap that area fluctuating blue and white, but I did not have the courage. Then I realized that Adam was beginning again to get excited, I felt something harden against me and his hands start to feel me frantic to get excited and then I started running again, fast as lightning ... but not without first giving him a push and I did tumbling down for a few meters ...

short, dear diary, today I only had time to escape the brutal ... hey, I say, but this is life?

Sunday. Year 0. Month to define.
Day 7 Dear Diary, today is a terrible thing happened, terrible, terrible ...
I want to cry thinking about it ...
ok, go to order ...

The day started well. Just woke up, the air was so mild that I felt like a walk. I left the brute that slept face down among the lilies and I walked into the forest to the north this time. Walking the air was fresher and the sky more clear, the morning was adamant, not a cloud, not a sound, not an animal. At one point I reached a point, almost a crossroads of paths, where there was a beautiful tree, full of beautiful flowers, white and yellow, fleshy and fragrant with fruit and very red, round breasts like a woman my ... Hey! Adam! I came to cry, but I did not ... the thought of his ruddy hands stopped me right away ... it is ... anxious

Then as I bend to smell those beautiful flowers, I would grab these while looking for the maniac to get in and slip me as a chick ... then I struggled hard but he re is over, give him a kick ... "Adam shut up!" No, the brute it is frantic and furious stands above me, grabs me, rolled up my legs, blonde hair and keeps me very long to keep me away ... I slipped, I walk away, kicked him with all my strength I feel, now, be less ...
grab the earth, threw it in the eye and contain it for a moment but he, casting a furious howl, he returned again to the attack. They are desperate now, I take more land ready to launch in the eye and deliver a good kick on the tool but he dodges and grabs my hips. We roll down the slope beside the wonderful tree there and now the inevitable is about to take ... my hand still shakes the earth to pass and rub on its snout that hungry, when from behind the plant is a snake that makes me, a voice to the Ka, "Sister, I do not see how hungry? From this it will quench his appetite! "It gives me one of those red apples and round ... I take that help and unexpected without thinking about the hunting in the throat to the silly saying" bite so that you calm down. " Him in surprise, instinctively bite, and ...

I had never done ... ...

Suddenly the sky darkens, onusto dark and threatening clouds ... and I take a terror that my body falls to the ground , shaken and powerless ... then, the clouds and rip off here, Slow and majestic, from the top, a giant dressed in white, with thick and soft white hair and a nice long white beard even more, that it looks a nice and sweet but that just explodes with his booming voice, I realize that it's superincazzatonero
... "Adam and Eve!?! What did you dare? How dare you? ... Adam, I had made a covenant with you. And that was not to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge "- and I, though terrified, I give a nudge to Adam:" Why do not you tell me things, bison? "
" You, however, "continues the Barbapapa" I have disobeyed. Thus, although they were I created in my image and likeness, I honor and respect me? So take the only desire of your old father? "
We were completely stunned ... but who was he? And the snake, what does? What was, a sham?
"Adam, for having disobeyed, forces you to work with ... ... you have to work hard with blood and sweat, without the security of tomorrow. You, Eve, you will also give birth (?!? - But we women are always twice the work?) With many tears and even more pain. You will know the death and old age, war, hunger, poverty and wealth - that will undergo the - misery, Madonna and Prince, injustice. All things being very fearful of that terrible old man.
Then, suddenly sprung up from behind his back, two people blond with golden wings and swords of fire, beginning with those caused great pain to tease ...
"Now go," continued the old man "but in the night to prepare your poor things. Tomorrow morning you will be forever banished from Paradise. Are you going to live in dark, dry and painful lands where neither men nor animals, nor nature will give you rest. That's My Word. This is the Word of God. "

God ... I thought ... the One who created me, although dimwitted from the side of this ... I wanted to cry ... I was so desolate that, left alone, I cried for a long, bitterly ... I cried, cried and cried ... I cried for you, my dear diary ... I wonder if I could rewrite and reread them ... somehow ... maybe ever, my dearest friend ... maybe more ... but it was far away ... in some kind of time.

Monday. Year 0. Month to define. Day 8
time ...


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Desserts We Can Freeze

a cohort ...

sing "Brothers of Italy"

Brothers of Italy,
Italy has awoken, with Scipio's helmet

She has bound head.
Where is Victory?
Let her bow down, slave of Rome

that God has made.
join in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die, he called
join in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die,
Italy called, yes!
(This is the first part of the whole which is usually sung, and that all true Italians would have to know)

We were for centuries Downtrodden and derided,
we are not one people,
we are divided.

Let one flag, one hope: to be unified

already The hour has struck.
join in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die,
Italy called, yes!

Let us unite, join, union and love

Show the people the ways of the Lord.

swear to free Our native soil
united under God,
Who can defeat us?
join in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die,
Italy called, yes!

From the Alps to Sicily,
Legnano is everywhere;
Every man has the heart and hand;
The children of Italy Are all called
the sound of each ring
the Vespers.
join in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die,
Italy called, yes!

Son that drunk
swords sold;
Already the Eagle of Austria
Has lost his plumes.
The blood of Italy and the Polish blood

She drank with the Cossack,
But it burned her heart.
join in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die,
Italy called, yes!

the helmet of Scipio: Italy has a new head on the helmet of Scipio (Scipio Africanus), the Roman general who in 202 BC defeated at Zama (modern Algeria), the Carthaginian general Hannibal. Italy has returned to fight.

Let her bow: The Victory will be in Rome, namely Italy. In ancient Rome the slaves were cut your hair. So the victory will give her hair because it is cut, because the victory is a slave of Rome will be meeting the winner.

cohort: in the Roman legions (ie the army), was divided into several cohorts. A cohort means therefore remain united among ourselves that we are fighters ready to die for our ideal.

Downtrodden: trampled

Gather: Mameli is the language of the poetic language of the nineteenth century. Gather us in this modern Italian would gather there, a subjunctive which compares the direct pronoun. The meaning is: we must collect, hold together.

one hope other literary or archaic word. It means hope. But there is no wonder too if Mameli use these words. In the language of the songs of pop music around 1950, these words are still.

merge together over the years by Goffredo Mameli Italy is still divided into many small states. The text says that it is time to merge, to achieve national unity.

for God: two possible interpretations. For God is a Frenchman, and therefore means "by God" if we are united by God, by God, no one will ever win.
What is certain is that in Italian, "for God" can also be a curse, a rather loud exclamation. Who will ever want to understand Goffredo Mameli? As he had twenty years we like to think that he wanted to play on the double meaning (at the bottom of his relations with the Vatican were not very good, so much so that just died in Rome, where he fought for the Republic) is everywhere

Legnano: every Italian town, Legnano is the place where in 1176 the Lombard communes defeated the German Emperor Frederick Barbarossa

Ferruccio: every man is like Francesco Ferrucci, the man who defended Florence in 1530 by Emperor Charles V.

Balilla: is the nickname the child with the launch of a stone in 1746 began the revolt of Genoa against the Austro-Piedmontese

Vespers: In 1282 the Sicilians rebel against French invaders, one evening, at the hour of evening. The revolt was then called the revolt of the Sicilian Vespers

swords sold: the soldiers as mercenaries bent reeds and the eagle, symbol of Austria, lost their feathers.

Blood Polish: Austria, allied with Russia (the Cossack) drank Polish blood, dismembered and divided Poland. But this blood drinking poison the hearts of the oppressors

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maybe .. perhaps those

I barely slept last night, so I thought .. as usual ..

intermittently. The thoughts have followed a small nightmares ... in a doze

At 6 am this morning it was dark, the rain made driving difficult, with the blinding lights that were reflected on the asphalt.
mind and went to work, I turned on the radio, and music as always led me to watch out that darted in a different way, as if through a movie, a story, part of which leaves me in and I see in part flow from outside. Listening
Alessandra Amoroso AMA .. someone who loves you ... AND CALL YOUR MOTHER A ... I am moved
always a bit '.

this music has that effect on me, notes, touch the strings of my heart ..

that sad story is my life!

I would have liked to wander country roads, with the rain pounding on the windshield and windows closed, with the bounce of the music in the cockpit and inside me.

Feeling drained of all it is a strange feeling. How can you be so full of emotions and yet feel empty and filled with new things? Have a sense quite different, special.

I see you, I see me, I see us in the minds replay words and gestures, while your face and a thousand emotions follow each other, moves in the depths of the bowels. How were the last day of life, which concentrates the essence of a lifetime. My ..

not I have many dreams in my life, I live every day like the last, survive .. sometimes I would go away .. go away, fly away, higher up in the sky until it reaches the Supreme .. ..

vorrrei oh so caressing your face, see your smile and dry your every tear, but sometimes you cry the most?!

music, lyrics, poetry, tears, wind, rain,
lacrime.e tears and can barely see the road ..

God wants you to send me a thought: if only you came to me softly, slowly, to embrace me finally strong, and shout that we are still here, in the same life, yet still mother and son together .. .. . here is that you will return to living, you maybe yes .. maybe I could go back to "be." I.

because what is missing in these three and a half years is an injury forever ..

I love most

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oh my God, how I disappear tonight ..
I'm lonely. Your silence breaks my heart ..

my name is Ivan, I said, you know .. the movies are in front of me than I have with silvia ... I ask him how

up now?
became man answer me ..

I'm wrong, I pretend serenity, I will not worry my brother, I will not say that I felt a dagger to the heart .. I do not leave a thick .. I can not say anything, otherwise Next time I will say that the more he saw, and I do not want .. I know most of you ..
are in my heart, in my mind ..
I miss you so much ..
raining outside ...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Scholarships For Students Without A Tyroid

memories ...

And not enough to have memories. You must be able to forget, when there are many, and you must have great patience to wait to return. Because the memories of themselves, yet they are not. Only when we become in the blood, look and gesture, nameless and no longer separable from us, only then can it be that in a very rare now stands at their center and comes out the first word verse.

Friday, March 11, 2011

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I wanted ...

will walk with you when you feel

only darkness and fear you.

will walk with you when

believes it has no hope and

if the road will be impassable,

wipe your tears!

But when dawn clear horizon


and a smile on your face shine ...

let you go!

I'll never be with you because you

walking alone and without me.

I wanted to keep walking with you.

only God knows ...

but you would not share even one more day with me ..

I miss my son ...

I just hope that tomorrow the
rimpaianto you can not do too bad ..

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Do You Get A W2 From Temp Disability For Nj

'm waiting ..............

They say things happen in life that are like questions, spends a minute or years and then life answering ...

How Congratson Friends Marriage

the enemy .. WOMEN

I am the Enemy: the worst of enemies, the most dangerous of all.
Because I'm simply the Enemy, the one with a dagger and a rose in his hand. Ask yourself what I
in Serbian for you. . .
Not everything is white, Not everything is black, I'm on that fine line that crashed eyes.
trying to lose, whereas I should look for.
Every word spoken is the mirror of your pain.
I forget the figure suggest that ... scrape off the paint that covers you and discover all the differences that others can not see. I'm going to
moments. I'm torn into pieces, I lean, I collect them and put them back together again ... all over again. Now is the time when I pasted almost everything and take an almost human.
Take your words and store them on the heart. . .
you who are like a knife
Do not follow me. . .
Do not follow me. . .
hair of me remember how to bend dark branches.

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Like pollen in the wind dancing in March
monsters in your flower petals, and
your scent every man touching,
whispers to the senses, a desire for love.

... You're the queen, mother nature, you must
every creature's life, because

shines every day to care for a touch of your fingers.

You're the most delicious nectar,
the seductress par excellence, are you
delight the palate of the lips,
delirium of love can not do without.

Whether you are a child, or mature,
grandmother, mother or bride, you'll always be
for people to come,
man, you woman, the best part!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Baptism In Miami And Food Yahoo

When people ask me, How are you? "- But that answer?!
If I say 'I'm bad, "I know that I could then attack the questions,' Why? What happened? What's wrong? ". If I say "I'm fine 'is not the truth, but perhaps is best, also because already know his answers and would not be helpful. At times would be able to urtarmi. A fake smile and say, "I'm fine, thank you." ...
While the heart continues to torment .. beating. screams the pain ... and continues to call you .... Massimo

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Can U Get Breast Cancer From Purple Nurples

for you sometimes ...

When I had no more reason to dream ...
I put them '.... Looking at the stars and listening to music ..
suppose to be one of them ... one day ...
fall and be thinking of someone who has waited all night.
... Then I come back to me, I open my eyes and I see them ...
only distant memories.
now those lights are bright so far ...
fragments of my life, spread throughout the universe. ... But all linked together to
something. ... And this' my way to dream and hope again ... ..

Friday, March 4, 2011

Cubefield Start On Pink

Part of the North American Tour! European

tonight from the city of Hidalgo (Texas) North American part of the League of World Number Ones Tour To accompany Jane on stage (in addition to the usual dancers) there is also the choreographer Duldulao Gill. The latter announced that the concerts will be in the set list included the following songs:

All Nite (Do not Stop) - I Get Lonely - Diamonds (never performative!)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Berger Paint India Colour Chart

Advance! Piers Morgan

Here are some pre-sales available for the concerts in London, Paris and Monte Carlo. Keep an eye on the link below because the update site Viagogo other pre-sales ...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Longest Walkie Talkie Distance

NOW .. NOW ..

I'll teach you The Secret which is the key to all mysteries and
worth more than Cinnabar or the Elixir of Life Immortal.
I'll teach you hidden the Word is the key to the secrets and
worth more obscure syllables of fortune-tellers, alchemists and magicians.
I'll teach you that the road is the gateway to all the puzzles and
worth more tortuous paths along which t'affliggi and torments.
Road, Word, Secret called "Now".
Now, now, forever now ...

Brent Corrigan And Matthew Rush

if you ...

If you do not feel pain and then nothing ...
breaths and then if you miss your breath ...
tremble and if not then you're cold ...
is because when you feel dead yet you're alive.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Manchester Citizens Bank Routing Number

Money shouted, "I do not care what you say, I am the best. All I want. They are the most coveted. Every man, woman and child I want more than anything else in the world. So are the number one. "

" nonsense, "said the Sex.

"People lose sleep over thinking about me but you. People kill me and he did it for hundreds of years, even before t'inventassero. It 's true, people will kill for you, but not as much as it does for me.

are great. On a scale from one to ten, you'd be the No. 10, no doubt, but I would be out of competition. How would undermine the fifteenth. On occasion you may need to get, but without me, you're useless. Therefore, the number one is me. "

" You're both crazy. Let me tell you something Sex, and Money to you, if you strive to win one of you two, rinunciateci, I'll win. "

Money Sex and looked up at the board. Their eyes froze for a moment. A sly smile appeared on the lips of both. The warm breeze that caressed the group seemed to grow and a dry leaf fluttered next to the Sex, who drove with a tap. All of a sudden looked surprised at reports that they were standing still, the belief that the armed couple who was arguing it could not be more wrong than that. Finally

money talks. "You must be joking. What makes you think you're more important than me? What is without me? For the same reason, what good is anything without me? "

First came the answer, sex is introduced, addressing the relations. "What about me? People can do - and do - without you. Actually I think many people want me without making a report it 'before it' later. No, I am not convinced. "

Relations sighed before speaking.

'It's always happened. Not just you two, but many others feel that you are the important ones. However, I ask you to consider one thing. We represent the integrity / virtue and the satisfaction of the community in general.

Imagine a world without us. Imagine a world where not one person has a friend, or even knowledge. That world would be cold and icy. Both are important, although I would hesitate to place himself in the highest hierarchical position, because the age changes everything. After all, you do not have so much value without us. Therefore, we are number one. "

"Nonsense." A voice rang clear. The three turned to the newcomer.

"You all are nothing without me. Has anyone ever won a thing without me? No.

"It 's possible to have a good relationship without me? No.

"It 's possible to enjoy the money without me? No.

"It 's possible to enjoy sex without me? No.

"Without me you would accompany loneliness. Without me, people bury their heads under the pillow and the world passes away and leaves'. Without me, you have no way of taking care of relations. And as you can go, Sex, without me people would not be able even to spell your name. Without me there would be little sex or, perhaps, nothing.

"Money without me is useless. A €, or one million euro would not make no difference to me.

"I'm number one. So it was always and always will be. "

Money, Sex and Relationships looked at the newcomer with a sense of embarrassment. They could not argue with her. They knew he was right. All of them, individually or together, were useless without the blessings of the new arrival.

latter stood up, stretched and yawned. Leaving the group, stopped and turned, before going out into the world to dispense the goods that everyone wanted more than anything else.

"You're not hurt my friends.

three of you are loved by everyone and by everyone. But always remember. You are desired. But I'm needed. "

And with these words, the Health and Welfare greeted moving all over the hills and continued to go for a walk around the world.

from the web.

this is a simple story that makes you think the priorities of life.

you can not do without each other .. spratutto and there can be no money taken, if there is no health and serenity in the our lives ....

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Longevity Of Life With Wegener's

story short story:

The frog and the scorpion
A frog was happily splashing in a river when a scorpion approached shore.

- "I have to get across," he said, "but I do not know what to do, I do not know if I try to swim and drown. Could you help me carried on your back, I would be very grateful. "

The frog replied, puzzled: "But if I let you get on my back you may sting me and kill me."

The scorpion assured the frog: "Do not worry, why should I do, because I'd die if I sting both drown in the depths. "

The frog felt reassured by the explanations of the scorpion and he did rise. When they were in the middle of the river, the scorpion stung the frog.
surprised by the gesture
The frog asked the scorpion, "But why did you do that now both die?"

The scorpion replied, "I could not help it, that's my nature ..

Please read this little story ... talk about confidence

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prodigal son ...

Who Guide our steps by no means limits our freedom .. A shows the right way to parent their children, but does not oblige them not binds them ... Help them with love .. The fate depends on us, the road to follow anche.Siamo error free even at our own risk ... ... but never a real father does not deny the return of a child ... sorry

Friday, February 25, 2011

What Does Metamucil Do For U?

take up your day,,, Massimo

Get one day, the finest you have, the color will never forget ... let the tears

where the sun will warm when you will call to life ...

E 'for that you smile, it will be time for living and things that you have, is for you ...

Monday, February 21, 2011

What Is The Dimmest Type Of Star

is for you ..

Even tonight I wanted to see my son,
but it was a nice dream ..
Maybe now I recognize that some of the harbor anger against you, you know ...

I dedicate these words because I feel from the heart;

Come see me in the night because this is where I now live
here I feel safe here because I think

here because it's quiet here because no one can
Come see me in the dark here because I move
observe the world and nobody can catch me
here are the queen of nothing is everything here
where everyone is naked and all that I stay here covers
x understand others and forget about me Come see me

in the dark here because you have to look into your eyes get used
here to see what you would not
because there is a price to pay

Come see me but do not be surprised if I do not recognize

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Sometimes you read verses that others write, but that photograph

our image .....
these .... I'm there

Those like me with a pile of tangled thoughts
heart. Those like me

if we are talking
suspect words, his voice trembling

of a vibration as if it had a swollen river
overwhelm you. Those
me smile and blush

if you call and say their name. Those like me

get angry, yell, do not convince

when touched with the flower

injustice. Those like me have

hands that want to communicate what
between thoughts and the soul
... and create, build, paint and

communicate in a language not understood

often even their . Those like me

are silent but always think

most unexpected images of life ...
Those like me ...
(from Web)

Mental Retardation And Incest

'll send you a kiss in the wind
and I know that you'll feel it, sometimes without
you see me but I'll be there

We are made of the same material of which dreams are made

I want to be a white cloud in the sky infinite
to follow you everywhere and loving every moment
If you are a dream do not wake
I live in your breath
watching you die for you
Your dreams will be dreaming of me
I love you because you see reflected in all that there
'is beautiful

Tell me where are you tonight in my dreams again?
I felt a caress on your face to get to the heart

I get to heaven and
the sun's rays
write I love you I wish the wind blew every day
through your hair,
to hear from afar
your scent!
I do with you what
that spring does with cherry trees.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tile Grout Manufacturers

protect him kiss the

And still protect the grace of my heart
now and come back when the spell.
The wonder of you ...
you near me. I have rocks in your shoes

and dust on the heart,
cold in the sun and not
Bastan words.

I'm sorry if I have sinned,
I'm sorry if I'm wrong.
If I was not there,
if they are not returned.

But still protect the grace of my heart,
now and the time when he comes back ...
time to leave,
time to stay,
time to leave,
time to embrace.