Saturday, February 26, 2011

Longevity Of Life With Wegener's

story short story:

The frog and the scorpion
A frog was happily splashing in a river when a scorpion approached shore.

- "I have to get across," he said, "but I do not know what to do, I do not know if I try to swim and drown. Could you help me carried on your back, I would be very grateful. "

The frog replied, puzzled: "But if I let you get on my back you may sting me and kill me."

The scorpion assured the frog: "Do not worry, why should I do, because I'd die if I sting both drown in the depths. "

The frog felt reassured by the explanations of the scorpion and he did rise. When they were in the middle of the river, the scorpion stung the frog.
surprised by the gesture
The frog asked the scorpion, "But why did you do that now both die?"

The scorpion replied, "I could not help it, that's my nature ..

Please read this little story ... talk about confidence


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