Thursday, March 17, 2011

Genital Acne Or Warts

I found this story on the web, it made me smile so I posted maybe snatch a smile to you ... happy reading

Monday. Year 0. Month to define. Day 1.
My name is Eva and I was born from the rib of this fool who stands beside me. His name is Adam. Him? God created it, a ... a ... I do not know what I have never seen, but it says its created by me - of Adam - ... ribs are a bit 'confused. This
I do not like Adam, it seems a bit 'stupid, indeed, moves his head up and down and stretch your hands ... what comes to touch, then I do not know. But I believe I'll have to let me pleasure to strength. It is the only man on earth.
Oh well, at least I have this conviction: he is a man and I am a woman ... but what's the difference?

Wednesday. Year 0. Month to define. Day 3
Why the discrepancy of two days, you ask? Maybe there is not two? Better that way, then you do not meneranno with the square root of two perfect number, however, defies any attempt to raise it to perfection.
Yes, unfortunately for you two there, just yesterday, busy, take your hands off of this octopus amoebic next door and I turn around a bit ' around to see where I was - a most agreeable place, for that matter - I did not have time for my diary. I had an uncontrollable desire to write but I could not find a moment to do so, world dog (?!?).
The problem is that I have no one to talk, and then I'm forced to turn to you my diary, even to drive quell'energumeno thinking only one thing: to lay hands on him, saying: "I can not, dear Adam, I'm writing my diary - because I'm sure that it is useful to take notes in a new environment like this ...
However, today I was downtown in the forest that - God, the unknown - just created. What a variety of strange, I do not know how to define them ... the only definition that comes to me is that they seem less like quell'attrezzo coming up - defy gravity - to Adam when he started to touch me ... anyway, I said, what a variety of strange tools, with lots of soft parts, like my hair, and green, so many beautiful shades of green ...

Thursday. Year 0. Month: To be announced. Day 4
I decided to keep my diary every day, whatever the cost.
Already yesterday I wondered how many things I know and many do not know, maybe I indoctrinate overnight. For example, I know today that those things are called straight trees, but I do not know how to call those who have green hair, there, at the top. And why, I wonder, Adam Hair (blacks) are at the base of the tree and tree top? Do not understand it ... another thing I do not understand is why that want to slide it all over his shaft. This morning I found that he had slipped into a hole and then had a mole picture, screaming like a madman and a graffiettino that dripped a few drops of blood (which you had seen scenes that did, seemed dead) because that , the mole, to defend him had snapped. Maybe he wants to be tree, I said. As the trees are one with the earth that receives them, he also wants to recreate the rest of this unitary state ... he has a head up (ah, you see, I got this too) hair and blacks could be a different type of tree ... then later I caught trying to put into the mouth of a chicken and said to myself: "No, this is not the explanation." Here, by the way, chicken is another word that comes immediately ... like pig! If I think of Adam. Mysteries of the Faith - Toh! Also this ... faith ... what a beautiful word ...

Saturday. Year 0. Month to define. Day 6
Excuse me ... excuse me ... my good intentions to write my diary is always absolutely blown immediately.
and yesterday Adam, the idiot, I ran below as a rowdy all day ... I imagine the laughter that you did not know what will be seeing the crime. He wanted to force her slip that thing everywhere, but I do not ... I had absolutely no intention mica has a mole hole, I ... and then if I still stuck, I do? It was hard, screamed, jumped, it seemed he had never seen a woman! In fact, I'm the only
... And if there was another? Also try to jump on her? This thought provokes in me a certain jealousy. It 'a dimwitted, yes, but I feel a certain affection for him ...

So, to make short, I ran away from the brute for hours and hours, valleys, ravines, gorges, forests and undergrowth of this enchanting place. (Oaks, pomegranates, jasmine fragrant, majestic willows). What I have proved useful for exploring the area, beautiful, quiet, pleasant, quiet, pristine and crystal clear. Puddles pure, pristine rivers, waterfalls, voluptuous, and finally coming out ... in a clearing on top of a hill, suddenly ... a great view ... and far, far away, a plain blue where white spray soul so that gave her a sense of fluctuating motion and you lose you again and revived in the blue steel of the plain moving. And then sound, strong, dull, continuous, but so charming, rhythmic, haunting, that filled the universe and my heart. Even the silly, popped out from the boughs of the forest like a madman, his body forward and the arms rotate as eddies, as if he were falling, he stopped and stood there in silence, watching and listening ... sniffing a little 'l 'air. All we needed was just that I was next and rest firmly on my shoulder like an arm in Gone with the Wind ... (?!?) ... I speak of that strange things ...

Also I have smelled, then, and felt a different smell from that of forest: it was a strong smell that stung nostrils and at times did burn eyes. It was the smell of that vast, beautiful plains. We stayed there a long time ... the sky and the plains had some of the same color and both were sprayed in white. Maybe that was God, maybe he had created us? A lot of questions crowding my mind. I wanted to go down, go over and tap that area fluctuating blue and white, but I did not have the courage. Then I realized that Adam was beginning again to get excited, I felt something harden against me and his hands start to feel me frantic to get excited and then I started running again, fast as lightning ... but not without first giving him a push and I did tumbling down for a few meters ...

short, dear diary, today I only had time to escape the brutal ... hey, I say, but this is life?

Sunday. Year 0. Month to define.
Day 7 Dear Diary, today is a terrible thing happened, terrible, terrible ...
I want to cry thinking about it ...
ok, go to order ...

The day started well. Just woke up, the air was so mild that I felt like a walk. I left the brute that slept face down among the lilies and I walked into the forest to the north this time. Walking the air was fresher and the sky more clear, the morning was adamant, not a cloud, not a sound, not an animal. At one point I reached a point, almost a crossroads of paths, where there was a beautiful tree, full of beautiful flowers, white and yellow, fleshy and fragrant with fruit and very red, round breasts like a woman my ... Hey! Adam! I came to cry, but I did not ... the thought of his ruddy hands stopped me right away ... it is ... anxious

Then as I bend to smell those beautiful flowers, I would grab these while looking for the maniac to get in and slip me as a chick ... then I struggled hard but he re is over, give him a kick ... "Adam shut up!" No, the brute it is frantic and furious stands above me, grabs me, rolled up my legs, blonde hair and keeps me very long to keep me away ... I slipped, I walk away, kicked him with all my strength I feel, now, be less ...
grab the earth, threw it in the eye and contain it for a moment but he, casting a furious howl, he returned again to the attack. They are desperate now, I take more land ready to launch in the eye and deliver a good kick on the tool but he dodges and grabs my hips. We roll down the slope beside the wonderful tree there and now the inevitable is about to take ... my hand still shakes the earth to pass and rub on its snout that hungry, when from behind the plant is a snake that makes me, a voice to the Ka, "Sister, I do not see how hungry? From this it will quench his appetite! "It gives me one of those red apples and round ... I take that help and unexpected without thinking about the hunting in the throat to the silly saying" bite so that you calm down. " Him in surprise, instinctively bite, and ...

I had never done ... ...

Suddenly the sky darkens, onusto dark and threatening clouds ... and I take a terror that my body falls to the ground , shaken and powerless ... then, the clouds and rip off here, Slow and majestic, from the top, a giant dressed in white, with thick and soft white hair and a nice long white beard even more, that it looks a nice and sweet but that just explodes with his booming voice, I realize that it's superincazzatonero
... "Adam and Eve!?! What did you dare? How dare you? ... Adam, I had made a covenant with you. And that was not to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge "- and I, though terrified, I give a nudge to Adam:" Why do not you tell me things, bison? "
" You, however, "continues the Barbapapa" I have disobeyed. Thus, although they were I created in my image and likeness, I honor and respect me? So take the only desire of your old father? "
We were completely stunned ... but who was he? And the snake, what does? What was, a sham?
"Adam, for having disobeyed, forces you to work with ... ... you have to work hard with blood and sweat, without the security of tomorrow. You, Eve, you will also give birth (?!? - But we women are always twice the work?) With many tears and even more pain. You will know the death and old age, war, hunger, poverty and wealth - that will undergo the - misery, Madonna and Prince, injustice. All things being very fearful of that terrible old man.
Then, suddenly sprung up from behind his back, two people blond with golden wings and swords of fire, beginning with those caused great pain to tease ...
"Now go," continued the old man "but in the night to prepare your poor things. Tomorrow morning you will be forever banished from Paradise. Are you going to live in dark, dry and painful lands where neither men nor animals, nor nature will give you rest. That's My Word. This is the Word of God. "

God ... I thought ... the One who created me, although dimwitted from the side of this ... I wanted to cry ... I was so desolate that, left alone, I cried for a long, bitterly ... I cried, cried and cried ... I cried for you, my dear diary ... I wonder if I could rewrite and reread them ... somehow ... maybe ever, my dearest friend ... maybe more ... but it was far away ... in some kind of time.

Monday. Year 0. Month to define. Day 8
time ...



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