Monday, February 28, 2011

Manchester Citizens Bank Routing Number

Money shouted, "I do not care what you say, I am the best. All I want. They are the most coveted. Every man, woman and child I want more than anything else in the world. So are the number one. "

" nonsense, "said the Sex.

"People lose sleep over thinking about me but you. People kill me and he did it for hundreds of years, even before t'inventassero. It 's true, people will kill for you, but not as much as it does for me.

are great. On a scale from one to ten, you'd be the No. 10, no doubt, but I would be out of competition. How would undermine the fifteenth. On occasion you may need to get, but without me, you're useless. Therefore, the number one is me. "

" You're both crazy. Let me tell you something Sex, and Money to you, if you strive to win one of you two, rinunciateci, I'll win. "

Money Sex and looked up at the board. Their eyes froze for a moment. A sly smile appeared on the lips of both. The warm breeze that caressed the group seemed to grow and a dry leaf fluttered next to the Sex, who drove with a tap. All of a sudden looked surprised at reports that they were standing still, the belief that the armed couple who was arguing it could not be more wrong than that. Finally

money talks. "You must be joking. What makes you think you're more important than me? What is without me? For the same reason, what good is anything without me? "

First came the answer, sex is introduced, addressing the relations. "What about me? People can do - and do - without you. Actually I think many people want me without making a report it 'before it' later. No, I am not convinced. "

Relations sighed before speaking.

'It's always happened. Not just you two, but many others feel that you are the important ones. However, I ask you to consider one thing. We represent the integrity / virtue and the satisfaction of the community in general.

Imagine a world without us. Imagine a world where not one person has a friend, or even knowledge. That world would be cold and icy. Both are important, although I would hesitate to place himself in the highest hierarchical position, because the age changes everything. After all, you do not have so much value without us. Therefore, we are number one. "

"Nonsense." A voice rang clear. The three turned to the newcomer.

"You all are nothing without me. Has anyone ever won a thing without me? No.

"It 's possible to have a good relationship without me? No.

"It 's possible to enjoy the money without me? No.

"It 's possible to enjoy sex without me? No.

"Without me you would accompany loneliness. Without me, people bury their heads under the pillow and the world passes away and leaves'. Without me, you have no way of taking care of relations. And as you can go, Sex, without me people would not be able even to spell your name. Without me there would be little sex or, perhaps, nothing.

"Money without me is useless. A €, or one million euro would not make no difference to me.

"I'm number one. So it was always and always will be. "

Money, Sex and Relationships looked at the newcomer with a sense of embarrassment. They could not argue with her. They knew he was right. All of them, individually or together, were useless without the blessings of the new arrival.

latter stood up, stretched and yawned. Leaving the group, stopped and turned, before going out into the world to dispense the goods that everyone wanted more than anything else.

"You're not hurt my friends.

three of you are loved by everyone and by everyone. But always remember. You are desired. But I'm needed. "

And with these words, the Health and Welfare greeted moving all over the hills and continued to go for a walk around the world.

from the web.

this is a simple story that makes you think the priorities of life.

you can not do without each other .. spratutto and there can be no money taken, if there is no health and serenity in the our lives ....


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