Monday, February 21, 2011

What Is The Dimmest Type Of Star

is for you ..

Even tonight I wanted to see my son,
but it was a nice dream ..
Maybe now I recognize that some of the harbor anger against you, you know ...

I dedicate these words because I feel from the heart;

Come see me in the night because this is where I now live
here I feel safe here because I think

here because it's quiet here because no one can
Come see me in the dark here because I move
observe the world and nobody can catch me
here are the queen of nothing is everything here
where everyone is naked and all that I stay here covers
x understand others and forget about me Come see me

in the dark here because you have to look into your eyes get used
here to see what you would not
because there is a price to pay

Come see me but do not be surprised if I do not recognize


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