Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tyroid Disorder Scholarship

° lesson of obedience

In pictures: One of those days where it seems to live in a nice place. From left: the three horns Canzo Grigna Resegone and the backdrop to the country. In the foreground what I call the "Half Pipe", the piece of trail Ruginello encased between two steep banks. One of the favorite places to play for the acrobatics of Judi.

Judith, Tesla, Mila (although the bullet has entered the course!) Milù, Yvy, Simba and Megha (sic). These students enrolled in the course, Simba is a labrador MOOLTO lively and Milù Yvy are German shepherds and Megha is a small pincher obese. The others already know.
In the second lesson we did exercise run leash: by foot.
This walk with his dog beside him (or her) that you realize that you are guided, in this summary. In detail, we must act very much on the leash when the dog tends to pull or to stop giving a jerk like "climbing a marlin," when you are in Cuba to Cayo Largo do big game fishing, something like that. A decisive blow and go. All reinforcing the message with a curt "no!" when the dog pulls. In the future, says Pierre, the dog will feel the tug to the NO and the associate and then stop without necessarily having to rip the neck. The good old
Pavlov, in fact.
Judi, Tesla and Mila fared great, they just pretend to pull on the leash and give up already, other dogs have had some problems, especially Simba, at some point at which Pierre had to understand who is boss. As it did not want to obey and you are good, and kept licking her face to Pier jumping, he has tried before with a couple of ways then, because it did not work, took the lead and put the boot on a short leash cm from the dog's neck, forcing him to lie on the ground. Simba there was shouting and struggling and in danger of choking. For a few seconds, which seemed to last forever, no one breathed, we were terrified from the scene. The dog howled, Pierangelo not let up at all the power, the worried owner, but now needed to bring the concept to its logical conclusion. There was game all the authority of our instructor. The dog had to surrender and give up. After a few seconds, I said, Simba finally stopped panting, and immediately Pier caresses him long ago and the compliments. The dog began to wag its tail, the tension melts and Pierangelo lets go. Simba is quiet next to him, he wags his tail, there is evidence but not frightened or injured, and Peter explains what happened. While Peter is explaining, Simba, surprisingly, still trying to jump up and lick his face and Pier again by the same method, but this time the Labrador will stop immediately, he understood, and there will need a third example. The lesson
ends with 15 minutes of play, in which Judi, as usual, happy as a child. I register once again that Judith, with increasing frequency, it can be approached even when it is free, and always seems more relaxed in the presence of strangers. Pierangelo bet a pizza with me within 8 lessons that she will leave quietly approaching from strangers. In that case I will be happy to pagargliela!
And now, for the heading "do fleas at all because they are a pain in the ass," say some things about the course, perhaps with a smile. Pierangelo
I really like, I like the passion that makes speaking and its safety in handling the animals, but the teaching of this lesson was not the maximum, I do not want to. One that makes the exercise and all the other stops for about ten minutes is a situation that devolved to the long and weary, and you can not maintain the high curve of attention. Maybe we could try, at some point, do the exercise each for its own account, in a different direction and then compare, then insert variants (right, left, the turn). Well let us move more. It seemed to me that animals were a bit 'fed up at some point.
But I say this only because I'm a nag which is never anything good. It 's just the beginning and have to wait to express your opinion more complete. In any case, I admit, now I'm looking forward to Friday Judi Lomagna to bring, and as long as it will, that's fine.


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