Monday, March 8, 2010

Rn#56323-ca#05553 Nike Pant

3 Course

Third lesson with unscheduled thrill.
Do you know Genghis Khan? A type such as Mulan, so to speak. Well Genghis Khan came Friday to register for the course. Pants in military fatigues, army-green jacket, fur hat type explorer in the Yukon some kind of animal fur, boots, hands in pockets, sounding a little 'sapientone and arrogant and a dog leash type Samoyed or Husky or something like that. Wonderful dog and proud, but in the hands of such a character can easily become a weapon improperly.
The lesson begins with a whim of Judi that you do not take myself. Pierangelo me step by step guide and its recommendations within a few minutes take it quietly, in a moment that I learn with the right moves with ease and I can get it easily: first lesson! Once deployed
begin a long and intense training, where the dogs are working simultaneously, each with its own master, and the pace is intense. Pierangelo guide us wisely and observe that to us has just the look of the pack leader, we are doing precisely understand what it means to make the pack leader. In the tone of voice, gaze, posture and in the management of physical space, we is just saying: "I am your leader, I command here" In fact, I
Ale and there beaks cazziatone suffered because we were not in line, and looks a bit ', we react just like our dogs to stoop and head his tail between his legs asking humbly apologize! Second lesson.
at breaks reminds us to vacate the dogs and we re-explain in detail what to do in case of disputes. Perhaps you have already sniffed the air ....
Judi, Tesla, and all courts, including a beautiful Basset Hound named Lilly, playing happy and serene, while the dog of Genghis Khan is around with the air of one who seeks the fight. In fact, shortly after Simba in his way, the Labrador agitated that I have already told you last time, a cheerful dog, playful, lively and unruly, with a master's calm and quiet. Simba is not prepared to put themselves in the foot and head start in about a fierce fight, where the Khan Genghis Khan (... nice, right?) Has the upper hand, manages to grab the neck of Simba and seems to snatch away volerglielo . Now involved the owner of Simba and .... Pierre! Why Genghis Khan, still with his hands in his pockets, was limited only to shout no to his dog! Pier seek to divide and then screams Mongolian (understood as ethnic ...): "TAKE YOUR CANEEEE!" A series of words in Monza that I can not mention, but a "SIDEELA SLUT!" (Literally "pig bucket!") Yelled over and over again, while the Khan Khan still held firmly between his teeth, the throat of Simba. Once separated said four dogs Pierangelo him to type, and all those present, transfixed by the scene, we do hope that it is no longer accepted on the course. Someone runs to collect signatures to send him away ... The host
Megha (in diet, poor thing!), Watch the brief scene of the fight and declares softly: "I'm not coming over to the course if that remains." It
control any injury to Simba, but with great relief to discover that all the skin of the labrador is really tough: only a small scratch on his ear. In the more he seems to have recovered his usual buoyant mood, while the other animals seem you understand everything, it does not play any more, and soon we all return to work.
Pier still guides us calmly, even for him, the episode is closed. Third lesson. Immediately recover the calm in such situations is remarkable.
We continue to work tirelessly, "foot" run "" alt ", the dogs seem to have improved visibly and the rest of the lesson row via smooth smooth. Eventually the dogs are pretty tired, in fact there is still much to play, and at 6 we are all already in the car, relaxed and satisfied. The next few hours the
Judi will instead on the carpet in front of the couch, in catatonia lethargic ...


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