Saturday, February 20, 2010

How To Do A Ets Dity Move Online

2 nd lesson of obedience course, 1 class A kennel

Meet Saturday, February 20 at 13:15 by Ale, the two girls are shaken as we go up but happy in the car. Once in Lomagna we see the usual mayhem unspeakable: Dogs of all breeds, owners embarrassed or excited, giggling dissolution of tension that are wasted. Judith capomuta pulls like a sled and risk of injury to the rotator cuff of the shoulder, Tesla was terrified and would not even get off the street .... we're good ...! We are able to approach the gate slowly and the two girls calm down. The biscuits are sold in all with both hands, the Friskies wishes to thank ...
Once begin the rituals of mutual understanding. Nina and the Goddess, the two hosts turn to fall in line and all to understand who is boss in this place. To Judi and Tesla is not necessary now and then: Judi if the row with his tail between his legs if the watch is lying and pretending Tesla already dead before the other one will do anything. After the customary rite of us instructors gather in a circle and begin to explain how the course work. I, Judi and Alessandra attentive listening, and Tesla will the next two hours with his head turned to the outside with a look that says, "I have absolutely no intention of being minimally involved in all this."
Of these twenty pairs (dog-owner, do you understand?) I remain impressed, in order:
- a German giant with a huge Newfoundland dog on a lead of 70 kg (or viveversa: a Newfoundland dog on a leash with a German , you name it)!
- an awkward boy of 50 kg with a majestic and somewhat agitated dobermann with pointed ears Batman style;
- a meek and a thousand times better looking Doberman with normal ears, and not pointed like a bat, led by a tender guy who, when asked what it was called the dog, said to us, three times: "I have not chosen the name! I have not chosen me!" It was called Diablo, and we have recommended him strongly to change it as soon as possible!
- a lady with a dog so small it could easily disappear in an instant between the jaws of Newfoundland (or German) and no one would notice;
- a considerable number of German shepherds, all quite agitated and unruly.
The course is organized by core dog rescue "Curone" to Lomagna (LC) and Pierre, manager, explains what are the attitudes and behavior that we take during the course. By the end asks everyone to leave immediately with no dog, but to let the animals play in a moment of free knowledge, play and socialization, as important as the course. Judith like a lot of shows and launches playing simultaneously with as many dogs as possible, jumping from here and there as un'invasata. Every time I go to greet me beaming. And 'happy. Tesla also seems quieter.
decide after half an hour to leave the camp and I am amazed by how calmly stroked Judi is made by all present without showing signs of fear. As we reach the car and Ale I tried to put into practice the recommendations of the first Pierre and Umberto and lead by foot Tesla and Judi to the car and the girls respond wonderfully. We are as happy as schoolboys on the first day of school!
Upon returning home we decided to give us an appointment to the fields where there already waiting for Margot, and Pepe Groucho (the three blond labrador) and their boss, and the company also added Mila (the bullet) and Penny (a German shepherd female, great and majestic). Judi play till you drop with Mila-the-bullet then gives the turn to the other dogs seem to sfiancare the poor dog. Even then he falls for a spin, Judith looks really exhausted, dragging on the carpet and begins to purr until 22.30, when I have to wake her for her to do the stroll in the evening. Upon returning to the nest I found in a present, given the importance of the day: a fragrant huge ham bone! I put in a kennel, we hope you come in, and she actually goes there, check out the window I see her ass from the bed. After two seconds it was already out, with the bone in the mouth ...

PS Many have asked me who he was Indian. Well it is my brother, he is also an artist and much more. Indio is the name of Capoeira, in fact, has been teaching Capoeira in Como. The one pictured is one of his paintings, particularly one that I love. Shortly be publishing some of his works.


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