Sunday, February 7, 2010

Can Baby Get Addicted To Orajel


in the picture: His Majesty the Grignone white hair peeping from behind the hills of Montevecchia. More at the bottom, covered with snow, Mount Legnone, maybe ... (photo taken from the "field of stubble)

Friday a heavy snow fell in the afternoon covered streets and fields of Brianza at least 10/15 cm of soft snow. At 22.00, when everyone was asleep and the rain mixed with snow continued to fall, me and Judi we ventured for our area preferred, and we had an unexpected encounter. At the center of the field, just behind the garden of Leonardo, was an animal as big as a cat, which was around sniffing here and there. Visibility was excellent, all white, stood out well on the field this animal at about 80 meters from us. Judi
pulled like crazy and then we launched in pursuit, just when I realized that it was unquestionably a fox! The big tail and long as much as the body, thin nose and ears straight left no doubt. It is a fox! And for less than 150 meters from my house!
intent was to smell and we were downwind, so we approached about 20 meters from her, when they saw us and ran away toward the grove of wonders.
Judi and I have observed through all its many traces in the snow and we had to retrace his route. Judith slipped the muzzle in virtually every fingerprint. So I found out it was a bit 'which turned around, and that also went to Cascinotto Bruno (one of the famous "cage "...) and near the gardens, near the road. A few meters before the holiday! It also explains the discovery, in December, a breeding rabbit skin, completely ravaged. The villagers and hunters, are informed of the discovery, had just ruled that this was certainly the work of a fox. I had already
saw a couple of times a fox last year, still with snow on the road that leads through fields to Bellusco, a few kilometers further east. But never so close to our country.

Yesterday morning, the second sighting of animals.
Ale had told me of the presence of a large bird of prey in the area, probably a buzzard, seen from her is that Erica in an area close to the field of stubble, one of Judi's favorite places to play. So every time I passed those parts I did a lot of attention, but I was never able to see it.
Yesterday morning I saw instead! Was busy looking for food in an area where the landowner has a habit of throwing grass clippings, manure or scrap of vegetation. I clearly seen flying away quickly, but is still very low on the ground, almost did not want to be exposed to view. A few moments and had already vanished into the forest of acacias. It was brown, with a wingspan impressive. Judi however, has not seen anything, was too busy to look for underground mice.

The day today, Sunday, but deserves a separate post, which will be released in coming days. Judi had a fling a few hours ....


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