Friday, December 24, 2010

Cyst Upper Pole Of Kidney

Happy Holidays!

J ★ E wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Motorcycleloud Stereosystems

Playing with pictures

Judi and I star of the Web ..

Ele My daughter (!) I suggested a nice site that allows you to make beautiful montages in a single click. Here's the link:
I tried to play around 'with photos of Judi, and I have lost way to many minutes. Really funny. You can also make nice pictures for Christmas ...

Judi and I also star in the web between the dogs ...

Ah, Love ....

I am also in the heart of a blonde ...

Judi and Hugo for President!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Looking For Samoa Quotes

Info World Tour Hong Kong leg

I left the info for the first concert in Hong Kong. Tickets will go on sale Dec. 14 at varying prices of $ 1.480 a HH HH $ 480 that the change in euro range from € 143 to € 46. To publicize the event the organizing team has released a promo poster that you can see by clicking the image below ...

Segelboot Tartan 27 Info

Janet a Milano!

Janet in Milan these days is most likely to define the last details of his world tour and especially the costumes made by house Versace.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Shiny Pokemon Images Silver Version

Number Ones World Tour '011

February 14 will depart from Hong Kong's new World Tour Janet. The first concert will inaugurate this new series of shows around the world will be held at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition will center. Tickets can be purchased from Tuesday, December 14 from 10 am.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Mustafa Gold Mall In Singapore

last Winter

I know that may sound strange, but I do not and Judi vedavamo forward to winter. Those sunny days cold, the snow, the fireplace that goes all the time, give me a sense of peace that I do not feel in any season. And now here we are. The outputs in the fields are just moments of joy, both for me and Judi, running like crazy eating tons of snow. There were few people around, if we exclude the hunters that this year have not abandoned the land and continue undeterred to shoot at anything, and then you are fine in the fields. The grass has stopped growing, the fields are free and all paths are feasible, unlike the summer when most of them were overgrown by nettles as tall as me, and going around now is a real treat for connoisseurs. Also because the nature gives you truly poetic images ...

dawn in the fog ...

... and a sunset Brianza DOC .. .

Judith is slowly, very slowly, regaining possession of his character. First, although playing with all dogs, had a mostly submissive behavior, especially if a dog was a bit 'aggressive. After a long therapy with a signed game, which lasted all summer, I noticed that Judi was getting more confident. In the game I jumped him happy and safe way to try to take the items with which I could play: wood, rags, corncobs, and even my shirt in my hand! Those who had seen me in those moments would have thought that a white wolf attacking a man the same: I barked, jumping from here and there, running like un'indemoniata in a game more immersive and "physical". Almost as if "we did the fight" ...
the late summer, during a walk, emerging from a grove suddenly encounters in Asia, a cross German Shepherd very aggressive, that it throws away without giving them time to escape. Well Judi took out his teeth and launched into a good brawl with bells and whistles. Nothing has been subdued, and for the first time since I have, has stood up well to the unpleasant. I saw your fight to defend themselves, lasted a few seconds, then immediately ran from me, a little 'proud and a bit' scared. I've calmed down and I complimented, because I think that you have been very important to be able to cope with that dog, its own self-esteem had a great need. I felt really proud of her! The owner of Asia instead, just picked up his pet, he began to beat her, apologizing for what he had done. Judi had not shown even a minimal scratch, rather it had gone very fortified, so I told her not to worry, but not to beat the dog, he had no guilt. Then we went away, and Judi trotted beside me proud and a bit 'confused, hoisting his tail like a pirate flag, mouth half open, ears and a beautiful straight look smart printed on its face. If you only take
really aware of that dog, it would become a real beauty, just as when we see it in our walks, when completely free and safe.

This beautiful first floor of the snow Judi deserves a story of what combined when it snows, but the reference to a specific post.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Prosti Of Aubrey Miles

World Tour 2011!

Janet announced that next year will be back in concert with a world tour. In this regard it is addressed directly to his fans asking them to vote for your favorite cities in which it will stop with the show. Watch this video for all the details.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Magic Gathering Mana Curve Calculator

Test summer

Masanti above (PR). Eleonora successful, with only one photo on the fly, to catch an expression of Judi in 8 months that I have not been able to peck. Damn ...! (The dog is left ...)

was almost a test. Judi wanted to bring in "my" woods and see how he behaved during output in unknown places for you and full of mystery. I wanted to check in particular its behavior toward me I would have been close? I would able to take it? I plan everything with my daughter, things to wear, as long as we'll be away, to do the shopping. Contact my mother and ask if he wants to join our team. Even for her return after more than 20 years in the woods must be considerable emotion, and therefore accepts willingly. The departure is scheduled for early August. The trip
slickly smooth, with a short break to make it dirty. Judi car really starts to be good. Our goal is Masanti di Sopra, a remote village in the Parma Apennines, where I spent every summer of my childhood and where I left the boy who climbed trees and fished for trout in the stream. Perhaps
are here just because I'm going to find that kid .... who knows ....
The days are beautiful, and Judi in the woods is very good. Then, when I can go out alone with her emotions increase exponentially. Often I stop in the woods, in total silence. You hear no noise of civilization, only trees that move, running water and sprites and nymphs of the forests that appear everywhere. I sit on a rock, watch Judi sniffing around, I touch the floor and I think that, just this, it is pure happiness.

week scheduled runs at a speed stratospheric, we see starry unimaginable, we count dozens of shooting stars and share it with the desire to return as soon as possible. Said than done.
After a week, shortly after mid-August, I'm back in Masanti, the mushrooms have started to sprout and I want to grasp the opportunity to go out again with Judi on "my" mountains. And emotions are more intense ....

The departure in the dark, the mushrooms, the smell of the mountains, Judi following me everywhere .... a wonderful memory. I decided to return: next year I'll try to rent a house here, I want to return to live these emotions.
I finally found the little boy ...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

18th Birthday Invite Wording

Photoshoot per ESSENCE Magazine

See the full photo for the August issue of Essence Magazine. Click the cover below to open the gallery ...

Friday, July 16, 2010

Sand Shuffle Board Table

No Blackglama!

JANET ★ ENJOY love Janet but does not support the new advertising Blackglama!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Best Engagment Wordings

Antonio and Giuseppe

Antonio and Giuseppe July 29 are the next Great Leap Forward, Mao Zedong as the great saying (not reveal how he ended up ...), and I had fun to interview the stars and I did a careful analysis of anagrams of the words "GIUSI ANTONELLO.
Here are the results.

from indicators purely culinary " hens burned" and "burned lambs" that may refer to Giusi, then there is what could be a statement about how he did it to convince Antonello: "the naive took off! ", then, threatening:" tuned on it to him! " Or, speaking in a tone to the brothers decided to Antonello and referring his duties imminent, "the freight extinct!" Damn! They said: " signals the thunder!" woman! And then, more concerned, " not use traps?".
Giusi, answer, how did you react to their harsh words? "Negai the insult!"

And to think that Antonio, in the most romantic even called himself "the your marker!" when he looked into his eyes languidly. And friends, when they have known they were doing everything ourselves were also cynical: " no agents? deluded!" And others brutally tried to convince him not to Antonello, suggesting a loophole to get out, " deluded! Denied, no ? "But Antonio was now the party:" him known signals ... "

In search of new anagrams then I found also a politician:" We League? insult "and a mysterious" attach Tunisian "that no one knows what it refers to.
Then, at last, I found it.
Here is the real reason why they marry.
clear and concise as anagrams can be.
's why they get married, that's why we devote
... that's why they finally decided to go to a church to be consecrated

because ... " OINTS ARE LEGAL .

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How Do Pakistani Get Their Skin Lighter

The first time you never forget ... Judith

photo: Judi plays hide and seek in the corn is now high

We are at the height of "firsts"!

The other day, for the first time , Judi barked when my daughter tried to enter the house but found the door locked. We were all on the couch with her spread on the carpet, Ele was down by close to playing with the little Matthew. When he rose he found the door closed, and the sound of the handle that has sparked the decisive turning bark (they say so?) Judi, who then was reassured when he realized it was the Ele.

Last night, for the first time, we also released in the evening stroll.
was me, Anna and Ele, the evening was cool and pleasant, the moon was a good light so we decided to take a stroll in the fields, without going too far. And we released. Judith
there was near but was beaming and it was clear: happy wagging his tail, and then ran back to us to be pampered.

reaching the edge of the grove that leads dall'apicultore we saw some lights in the dark: FIREFLY! For the first time this year last night we also met this wonder of nature. So we more deeply in the woods, just a few meters and saw dozens of fireflies slowly coming out of the woods. A magical show. For several minutes we have been spellbound in silence in the dark to enjoy this magic! On the way back

Anna groped proposed to return home without putting the leash to Judi. He was really happy last night and could thus be a good opportunity to give it a try, especially since there was not a soul around (that's their problem, do not know what they are lost ...). Judi has been fantastic. E 'come with us and for the first time she returned home without the use of the leash. Imagine the holidays that we did when he walked through the door!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

About To Start My Period How Should My Cervix Be


I waited a long time.
waiting for the moment when Judi had shown signs of territoriality and security against the "flock" in which he lives, and last night it happened. It is worth to tell what, in the eyes of a neophyte, it would pass as a trivial incident but that, knowing the story of Judith, took a rather different meaning. Judi
usually spends his evenings, while we have dinner, quietly magnificence on the carpet in front of the couch. There, stretched, and if the sleeping blissfully. But when Alex is at dinner with us (my daughter's boyfriend), Judi is always very frightened and asked to go out on the balcony in his bed, where she finally calms down. Yesterday evening, while the two boys were upstairs, she wandered restlessly in the kitchen, instead it is almost never, and I was particularly attacked. If I moved from the sink to the fridge she followed me, if I went out to the balcony to throw the plastic was behind me, and so on. Egle went crazy and blew like a cobra, even the kitchen because it has always been considered as a "his" exclusive territory, but I did not mind, partly because the kitchen was a bit 'crowded, with Anna and Ele you were busy. When
Ale appeared at the end of the scale to come to the table I was placing something in the fridge and gave his back to Judi that behind me, was more than 5 or 6 meters by Ale at that moment just the first step of staircase leading upstairs. Well
Judi briefly snarled at him!
was away from him, and among them was the plank dining room, he could run away and instead he was among the four of us and growled, showed that it wanted to protect the flock!
beginning I did not noticed, I was shot, then I looked at Ali and asked him if I heard right, if it was true that he growled. Yes, we have only heard from him and I was so weak growl but it was true!
I've calmed down and kissed and I told Al to ignore it, ignore it and do not look absolutely as absolute, as if there were, and sit at a table next to me. If he had still other signs of aggression, I would have intervened. Judi
instead has now calmed, and we are no longer away. E 'remained all through dinner under the table, between our legs, including those of Ale, which is no longer facing any sign. E 'remained calm throughout the evening to snooze under the table, legs Ale a few inches from her! Quiet and without the slightest sign of aggression, but not fear.
As if that little sign of pride or courage or self-esteem that he did, he had made more secure and less fearful.
It 's definitely positive everything that has happened, even if we now need to pay attention to the fact that Judi did not leave "too much" take the sense of security to us and territoriality.
As she grows more and more self-esteem will also build confidence toward others, or, and that's what we try to explain to her with the training, when he is with his "pack leader" should not have anything to fear.
why I growled when I calmed down and then I talked to Ale and I ordered to get close to me. The whole scene, translated into canine language, it meant: Judi
growling Ale and looks into his eyes, "Hey, Hugh! There is a dangerous stranger here!" Ugo
talking with Judi and reassures her: "Well done Judi, now I'll! I saw! It is not dangerous, but check it myself by hand!"
Ale Judi who never looks into his eyes: "Judi quiet, do not insult, I will not be dangerous, I'm here good good "
Score: Judi proud and peaceful sleep under the table.
Not bad.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Template For Community Hours

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Scholarships For Students With Thyroid Condition

Show Indium

Indio, then that would be my brother, makes a exhibition in Como, at the Art Cafe "The 5 senses in via Diaz 56. It 's a good chance to see up close and eventually buy his paintings.
Or meet him in person and chat.
And Remember that Como is a very beautiful city ...

PS this post has Good News as a label, a new section ... let us not lose sight of even the good news ...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Best Highschool Canadian Basketball Prospects


via E!
Since we are depression in the mood to watch the course of the foothills:
Studiatevelo well.
Observe carefully the fields and forests will disappear and imagine the trucks to and from Malpensa to pass from here and all those who want to cut off milan.
Try to imagine the noise, because right now coming out in the fields at night (but also during the day) you can clearly hear the noise of the freeway, just imagine a little 'highway to six lanes, three for each direction. And all that beautiful
slaughter of roads down near Bellusco, is an area of \u200b\u200bservice!
Why we needed it, man, a beautiful area of \u200b\u200bservice, that if all goes well be called "service area Villanova! It is to be proud of!
But we are sure that this is called "progress"?
We are very confident that will improve our lives?
not that, by chance, we are taking away what little we have nice and clean (free rides), and in return we are giving new cars (to buy ...) and new directions (for a fee ...) ?
"Progress" wants us to spend, is consumed. Whether you use the most exemplary of the car, come on! Eat! Eat! Buy new cars, maybe green (but where were these green cars that now sprout like mushrooms? Where were a few years ago? Why tell us that the hydrogen car will be used only in 2040 and not now? And, incidentally, just in 2040, when there is a depletion of oil resources? It 's a coincidence?) And with our new cars speeding on highways ecologicissime brand-new.
At least a couple of years with our beautiful ecological Toy car, we will be queued in the foothills instead of the bypass, you would like to?
I can not understand why, tell me you are never found the money to improve public transportation, light rail, commuter trains, cycle paths, but when it comes to building a new highway, bridge or whatever has to do with cars and money are always just. Why?

The Native Americans were called savages ...
Let me be wild, please. Save me from this progress.

Friday, April 30, 2010

How Were Ships Of The 1700's Made

have happened to me two episodes, a few days of each other, seemingly without connection between them but, for a more thorough analysis, show that both have a particular view on the priorities of life. Both episodes concern the discussions I had with older people.
The first episode starring my father, who hunted in the wrong way from the Ele the garden (not his, to be precise, but my brother in law) because he was playing with the ball, and this could damage the plants of the nearby garden. All this is good say, shouting and waving like a madman, with the result to come from the Ele me crying and unable to explain why she could not play in the garden. Sunday lunch I raised the matter with him, trying to convince him that ironically may have exaggerated, and I was attacked violently.
The issue was that I did not understand that plants get damaged.
But I know very well that the plants may be damaged (although it should be noted that this was a small rubber ball, not a soccer ball in leather), from there I get there. What I am allowed to say was: "So what? And even if you ruin a plant garlic? What is more important? If one day I will have the good fortune to have grandchildren who play in the garden I think I'll be happy to see them, even if I have to sacrifice the dignity and planting for my beautiful garden, cabbage. "If we add all that Ele passed this fall to see the play just fills my heart joy, and tomato seedlings, forgive, but I cared less.
hell broke loose.
he had never said.
has bestowed upon me with a sudden violence that has many explanations, and on which is better fly over here, but which I had to react. The wolf in me, in front of a growling that way, showed his teeth and attacked. Also because the voltage was oriented Ele and I did not want to allow this .

Second episode.
I used to warmly greet everyone he meets in the fields, and this certainly is not a use to which they are accustomed to the good Brianza, so closed in their shells rarely able to open the cage of teeth in order to mutate into a spontaneous smile the snarl that always accompanies them. Just do not make it, at most react with a groan indecipherable, often delayed by several seconds.
So when I met him in the woods the "perfect-Monza-go-in-church-every-Sunday-the-vote-League-rome-thieving-immigrant-of-shit" which, although living in the country for 20 years I has never addressed the slightest glance, I greeted with a smile and a loud "good morning" even If the arrivals of Judi shoulders and pulled like crazy (maybe not like the smell ...). This
mumbles something that looks like a death rattle of a consumptive and then calls me back: "Ah, listen! (As if you remember just now) I must say the one thing you know you can not let go of the dog?". With aggressive and arrogant tone.
Yes, I know that until 15 August I could not let go of the dog, I know that planting garlic suffer damage if it goes over the ball, but I've got to fool everyone, by any chance? I know, I know God's sake! I understand that too. Even a mind like mine just Brianza understand it, damn it!
And I also understand that there is a difference when I meet other hunters in my country, very friendly and smiling, I always ask Judith and want to know the improvements, and tell me your experiences with their dogs. Kind and have never arrogant in exchange for all my esteem and my affection
But here again I growled, and once again the wolf responds.
And once again I understand that here is a matter of priority.

What is most important to you, dear father? In order to have perfect symmetry and all the vegetable seedlings? I'm sorry for you, dear father. You'll have a perfect garden, with all the beautiful plants and lush line, but you completely lose the priceless beauty of seeing your grandson play in the garden. What is more important
for you, dear Brianza doc? That no foreigner (even if living 100 meters away from you) is in your estate to touch your absurd privileges hunter? I'm sorry for you dear docg Monza, you also your privilege that the law allows you (and often become laws only protect the privileges of a few ...), but you will miss the opportunity to build relationships with calm and even more joyful who lives near you.
And perhaps this would also avoid turning a day of nell'Olindo turn.
Hard worker, very private, devoted to his wife and murderer of neighbors.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Where Can I Buy A Good Gurdle

This travel slideshow of Luc Levesque’s trip to 7 cities including New York City , Sao Paulo and Ottawa was created by TravelPod the Web’s First Travel Blog on Friday, April 23, 2010 at 7:58pm UTC. Luc traveled 18,979 kilometers (11,793 miles) on this trip.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Does Back Pain Come With The Implantation

This travel slideshow of Luc Levesque’s trip to 7 cities Including New York City, Sao Paulo and Ottawa TravelPod Was created by the Web's First Travel Blog on Friday, April 23, 2010 at 7:58 pm UTC. Luc traveled 18.979 kilometers (11.793 miles) on this trip.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Red Cross And Crystal Meth Blood Donations

The question of priority of the situation

more than four months have passed since Judith has appeared in our lives, and I need to do some 'the point. Judi
At Home is really talented. It 's a wonderful dog. Check her needs very well and also comes to wait nearly 12 hours, sometimes before release. He also learned to overcome his shyness and communicate when it absolutely needs to get out: the square outside the front door and looks at you with languid eyes. The more you shake, and most understand that the need is strong, and we quickly learned to read these and other communications by making our relationship more and more peaceful. If you can understand what the dog wants to think that the problems are reduced significantly. Typically
his days are as follows: long output of 1 hour or more, in the fields in the morning, where it is left free to run happy, then eating, resting at home or on the balcony or in the garden of Mauro (sometimes it is spread on the carpet and not move, others want to go out on the balcony, while others took pleasure in being down in the garden. We try to observe it and understand what to do, consistent with our needs). After lunch, between 14.00 and 16.00 or so, depending on when I can, another long ride, 1 hour or more, in the fields. Here, too, is left free, without a leash. Then we go back, and while preparing dinner she just dozing or sleeping on the carpet. The Egle instead breaks for his diced and you stressed the soul until it gets what it wants, as opposed to the Buddhist that Judi patiently waits for his dinner without complaining. It seems incredible, but when I am ready and I start to pull out his things from the fridge she lifts her big head and looks at me: he knew, somehow, now it's up to you. When I bring the bowl to the balcony she follows me and wagging his tail, in contrast to earlier approaches to the bowl while they are still within range. If you think it strange to know that Judi, the first time, does not approach the food until there was someone in the neighborhood, and even after he did so very cautiously, often taking a bite and away from the bowl, then return after . We have always tried to let the peace of mind when eating and still do not want anyone to have problems while in the food bowl and eating. I think it is a very sensitive time for an animal, it is for us to imagine them. Judi always eats his dinner with great pleasure (just dry food, now only food prepared by my hands) and often I realize that's not enough, still hungry. I understand why you wander through the house sniffing the air, licking the saucer and looking Egle often with languid eyes. Never comes close to our table to beg for food, I never knew that Judi is not alms food like many dogs, has a very independent character and a certain pride that prevents it from his "prostitute" for a while 'food. So on those occasions, if I may, the extension is often the leftovers from dinner, but always putting in his bowl.
When he has finished eating if you want to enter the square in front of the balcony door and watches us with a face that says, "let me go, please." Otherwise it can be spread in his soft kennel and sleeps like a baby. When we dined, the belly is full and we are all relaxed and happy and we move on divanone Judi becomes the star of the evening! He's almost becoming a habit: we leave the table set and all the kitchen to do and we get to play with her. Eleanor and Clare are able to invent new games and she follows it with pleasure. Often picks up so much that then it is hard to calm her down. Or is there a climate conducive to cuddling and it is then that Judi is at its best himself. He has a huge need of pampering and seem never enough. The evening continues until the exit quiet evening, the "senior tour" that is a quiet walk around the block, sometimes with a quick detour in the fields, but always on a leash. When they return they are all already in bed, taxes are all closed and she puts in front of the balcony door because he knows already that there is his bed. I greet you, I open the door and I wish you good night, as you would a child. For a dog (but also for us, if you think about it ...), the regularity of the gestures and rituals are very important. But the real
Judi, that free and happy, without the fears and concerns, it is can be seen only in the fields.
By now the free time, even without the "dumbo feather," Pier told me to trust that now I can leave safely, and every day I build up mutual trust. There are no more unpleasant situations for the first time, although I must admit that in that case was I wrong and not her. Indeed the more we ponder the more I realize that she has given me confidence from the beginning, I was to be anxious, for fear of not being able to get it back and this fear made things more complicated. Above all, as we shall see later, does not understand it, I did not understand what he wanted to tell me.
The outputs are usually like this: the arrival in the camps, I still tied until we passed the first field of barley, then the free part of her now happy with a buck a few feet and start to smell the world. As I walk the path I see that she is still behind, never lose eye contact with me. Often at this stage before me and when I do not see me get ahead. If we take another route than the one where she went, just call her once and she follows me over and begins driving the road. If you look closely you can see that on a regular quick glances at me, to make sure my presence and the direction in which way, and then resumed his intense activity: chasing everything that moves (birds , lizards, butterflies, bees), removal of material from various depths of the earth, olfactory-sensory analysis of everything that surrounds it, screening 360 ° to see other dogs around.
Here, the other dogs.
Judi has a dispassionate love for all dogs. As soon as it spots one should definitely join and invite him to play. Approaches always sending clear signals of appeasement (approach with a long ride and never directly on the side, head and tail down, slow movement and an eye ever on the dog) and then clearly calls the game, with the classic bowed front legs and tail shake. Few resist the invitation, and then is found to be the darling of all dog owners. I also saw her play with Denzel, a rottweiler terrifying scary just watching it. Only rarely received any rejection, and in that case is very capable at quick release to tail down, as if nothing had happened. His strategy for survival, both with dogs than with humans, it is mainly the flight or, but only in second place and only if the drain is completely blocked, the submissiveness. What then becomes total. An unconditional surrender.
joints but near the end of the round, when he realizes that it must return home, Judi stops, let the distance between me and you will also increase considerably and began a silent communication with the undersigned, made of eyes and head movements that I think, means this: "Please, we are still a bit 'here!".
I try to call it, to invite her to play hide and seek, but rarely reach these devices in order to bring it. Then I have to act out the usual comedy: I \u200b\u200btake again the path in the direction of the field and happy to follow the call as if it started all over again. Then you see her running towards me happy and wagging her delight, "dungeon do one more lap!". I then caress, I offer you a biscuit and then, with all the serenity can I say, "now the lead Judi, let's go home. Leash!" She sits down and lets himself go, as always. I'm sorry but I have no frigate so many alternatives, then I try always to the other streets in the hope that he understands when it is time to return and accept it calmly, but does not always work.
I know for sure that does so not because he wants to run away from me, but because they simply want to prolong as much as possible the time we spend in the fields. In fact, sometimes while you are coming in, lies down on the grass suddenly closing his eyes, as if to say "but you see how good it feels to be here?" So really I do: I sit next to her, sometimes even I lie too, the sub-story to what is truly beautiful landscape, to what is right to love everything, even if it is a simple campaign Brianza and stroked the hair soft and shiny.
She closes her eyes and I feel a bit 'stupid to stand there lying to speak with a dog as if it were my girlfriend, but then I tell myself that deep down she's right.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

6co2 6h2o -> C6h12o6 6o2

obedience course 6 ° course

Photo: Judi Yvy and engaged in an acrobatic ballet (choreographed by Mother Nature) Friday
the intrepid heroes were on time at training camp, even if the time threatened to actually download rivers of water, and the dogs were very happy. I had decided to Judi despite the weather, because I really needed to move a bit '. The recent work of the street in front of the bulldozers at work and at home had literally terrified and today I wanted to grant at least one hour of recreation. I would also flow in the flood.
In fact, the deluge has arrived! Just when we arrived.
Within minutes, the field was a swamp and then Pier reminds us of the following day, weather permitting. After half an hour the heavens open and the dogs can play happily in the mud. Judi that I take home is more like a cocker spaniel than a Maremma, and I have to wash it for a long time. After an hour of work, the blonde is fluffy and fragrant like a star and spreads on the new carpet Ikea happy that we made for her.
the morning after an inviting sun awaits us at the camp and, either because it's Saturday or because the weather is nice, but the general climate is its nice, the dogs seem happy and we seem to be on vacation. Pierangelo seems even better! In the classical exercises
us add the command "stay", which works something like this: once seated the dog, the officer shall continue to be! and you move away one step (One step, no more) while holding the leash in his hand. The dog must get used to our departure, which will be gradual, and remain stationary in the sitting position, quiet. If she lies on the floor better yet, is a sign that is peaceful and we will forward the command "EARTH". That is, if we see that the lie is about to say: "Land!" and become accustomed to associate with the command position. Judi in this exercise leads to an exemplary manner, does not show the least to suffer the separation, if not rare, and remains quiet session. Its helps to be independent and autonomous. Other dogs, much more attached to his master, showing a lot of suffering even the slightest gap and Pierre has his work cut ... In other commands
improvements are evident, the walk to the foot is loose and calm, the "run" executes almost without any action on a leash, in the sense that runs alone without my guide, "sitting" is increasingly Judi common to see who sits after 2 / 3 command, sometimes only the first, and "Alt" now sees responsive and obedient. I often see while we perform the exercises and it looks like fun she, too, almost like a student, glad to be of good in the eyes of the master.
continue in our exercises and Pier also adds the "right" and "left", which consists nell'abituare our quadruped turning in the direction announced and confirmed with a pull of a leash. It 'nice to see that dogs are moving now as the perfect partner.
After more than an hour of exercises that we see all the dogs are exhausted, they seem to have made the ascent of Everest, and after a brief pause the game all coming home. Appointment after Easter, and I already know I will miss the lesson on Friday ...

The landlady: Goddess, the German shepherd Pier, who never loses an opportunity to reiterate to all present his superiority (which nobody ever put the dogs in question ...)

Lillo, the Basset Hound nice.

Tesla, you know this already.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Nj Temp Disability Do You Get A W2

lesson of obedience lesson 5 ° 4 °

bee decided to try these delicate spring flowers, are the first signs of a season that was made to wait long.

Great lesson, that of last Friday. Just get well known that Judi now recognize the place, and when they start to park shows signs of growing excitement: it pulls like crazy, want to get down the field, and just go through the gate I need to leave because it is no longer for joy. With the present is quite loose, and Aldo Ale they are even able to give her treats and caressing her quietly. I also note that the higher its serenity, more games with other dogs become intense. Pierangelo already pointed out to me that Judi gives clear signs of wanting to dominate, even if not all, at least on some dogs, and even the Goddess has tried for a couple of microseconds, to keep his side. Obviously, given its particular history, I think this is absolutely positive and I consider her a slow regain of his character.
The lesson is developed, with the historical group bunched up, the contents already seen: "foot", "alt", "sit" and probabiilmente they will be content even the next lectures. Even Lilly, the Basset Hound, who returned after an absence, it seems like the company and the atmosphere is serene.
Then it's time to do an exercise about the attack and there we all moved.
We all lined up in single file, and Pierangelo explains how the exercise would take place: he would come by one of us would have taken the lead and we would have to invite the dog to the game, trying to excite him as much as possible , then we would have run away calling loudly. Pier would keep the dog while we were running away, and the dog would have much pull on the leash. The trainer then he would leave suddenly on a leash, while we, squatting, we called in a loud voice the poor beast. At that point, says Peter, the dog should come to you like lightning. The dog indeed fear more than anything else, the abandonment by the owner and the trainer uses this to further strengthen the attachment bond.
Part Tesla, holds the Pier while Al runs away calling. All we observe in silence, even the dogs seem to be on alert. Tesla rolls, leaves Pier and Tesla trots by his mistress happy. Begins within us to be born a deep tenderness at seeing the happy dog \u200b\u200bwho returns from her mistress, to hear compliments, to see him wagging his tail.
Then it's up to Judi. I invite you to the game, she looks at me excitedly. Childbirth as she launches a rocket and happy behind me, but firmly holds the Pier and leash here, when the instructor feels to be kept strong, Judi crashes. Do not look at me more, lowers his ears and tail and holds the Pier looks sad. I continue to call her, she turns to me, is the act of moving but then stops again to look Pier. Are you telling me that can not come, and at the same time passively accepts being held without opposition. I insist on calling, leaves Pier and Judi walks away from him quickly and is directed toward me, but the heartbreaking thing is that it does remain Pier turned to look, as if he were afraid that the chasing to get it. I obviously fill it with kisses and cuddles, and she seems rassenerarsi quickly. Escaped danger, think!
Then cuddle and caress while I watch the other dogs how to behave and scenes are beautiful. Few images are more beautiful and intense, for a dog owner, that see a dog that runs like a rocket into the arms of his master who calls him. The two German shepherds do in a very poignant: an arrow shot toward the master. Mila also does the same to Aldo and even Megha, which is linked almost obsessively to his master, launches firm. Lilly is also moving and tender, the Basset Hound, who trots to his master, and is also moving to know that that dog, with its stubby, Gambotto court has acted in Lomagna walk from Caserta, where he volunteers' s have entrusted to its current owner. Incredible to think about it. Simba
instead a laugh at all, because once released, instead of running from his master, happy and carefree rushes toward other dogs, as if he had been invited to a costume party, leaving his master's dejected in a corner field!
Then we make a second attempt, where Judi even not even attempt to pull on the leash, sit and watch the patient who holds Pier. It's becoming a bit ' Buddhist, like his master. In fact as soon as you leave quietly heads towards me with disdain, as if he had a little mishap that prevented her from first to arrive. It 's amazing and tender its ability to let do anything without reacting at all.
The lesson concludes with other walks on a leash and with the final game, but in the eyes of all are impressed by the images we have moved a little earlier. In the general silence of the dog to see the race was exciting and the master, let me say, almost ... intimate. Seeing that image is perceived that the relationship with your dog is something deep and unique. Relationship that is built into every minute, the hours we spend with him, all silent walks in all the hugs and the love that we exchange (because it is reciprocal exchange), in all that take care of him.
What then, I am increasingly convinced, is also and above all take care of us .
At that moment, despite all the people watching, the two were "isolated" from all, lived a short moment of intimacy, of deep mutual understanding.
And the thing that was so moved by his being a "spectator" to the meeting, rather than being directly protagonist. See
other in that intimate moment we can in fact understand better what we live and This moves us.
If I were a painter, maybe I would try to paint it, then.
I would try to communicate to those who do not live these experiences, what are your feelings as a man when he sees me that wonderful and smelly heap of white hair that more than 300 meters away you run toward him in a race fast, sleek and lightweight .
man stops, smiles, and tries to seize all the beauty of the moment.
Because he knows, he learned long ago, that this is a perfect time.

PS then when you approach the dog learns that you have just rolled in something really disgusting and repulsive, and it breaks the magic ...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

How To Replace Usps Package Lock

the arrival of spring in London. Not yet.

After taking four pears Thursday with Fulham the days are made longer and warmer. Everyone thought we were entering in the spring but no .... Today
cousin in town and spiovviggina in English and is pretty cool. In short, the March 21 as the beginning of spring and mind far enough.

Tomorrow plans to go to Cambridge to find Luigino "Lu" ball at least they hope that spring has arrived (though most of north London )....

Otherwise, how will the bank last year between a cafe and more ...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tights For Hairy Legs

beats Google for Facebook, so what?

seems that facebook just go there all day today ... quinid not surprising that according to reports of the legendary Hitwise facebook google has beaten last week, making it the then visited the famous during the "week 11" in the United States.

this may seem like a revolutionary news for the more shocking for some, for those who work in search marketing, the news is not worth much ...

fact the profits are still unclear on Facebook, which have often been bandied about, only to be moderate to almost avoided publicly. Let me be clear, well-oiled machine and facebook, but still fails to produce enough money to scare the big G.

Who fears today that facebook can beat men in Mountain View does not seem to understand how powerful google is caffeine.
Googlebot now it goes over every website at least once a day. Something that I still do not Zucchenberg protebbe remotely conceive.

In regard to the use and consumption of Internet: Well I would say that now as in all media (eg TV) ignorance wins. Because let's face it, facebook and something really ignorant. And I mean by "end user".

We'll see how Google will take 'overtaking this ..... I do not think that there is no other alternative but to further improve the results (especially dear Matt Cutts not get away they left to those who buy the link).

's all for now, I close by saying that now we are just on facebook all and perhaps it 's time to leave because' no longer in fashion.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Uncensored Brentfree Movies

Since there is no 'on Chelsea TV in

inutilissimo I'm delighted with another post.
Today I read a couple of interesting articles, including one from the Wall Street Journal, which speaks of the next companies that will become one of the most important in the world and maybe in one of them is' the future also "google" .
It's nice to see a company to I worked and I left in a moment of great expansion. Many

able to show you why. Well the answer simply is not so simple! Not all companies are about to become the "big hit" are companies in which it is pleasant to work or you disagree with the policies of expansion. Well because it can be seen from outside the company as a fast-growing internally, but may have many flaws. Companies that grow quickly in fact do not have time to select staff that will take, and often, very often promovuono internamete people to fill managerial roles. THE
sometimes leading to errors irremediabili thick (how do you dismiss a head of 15 people in a start-up?) and few have the balls to do it.

maggioparte I'm not surprised that companies (or companies like saying my generation) are all American .... enjoy favorable situations and facilitates' investment ....

But mind you, as the Wall Street Journal, mki not be surprised that you forgot to look at Europe ....

In short, we Europeans have to be at the forefront if we want to once again pursue the beloved overseas

Monday, March 15, 2010

Beads To Fit Troll Bracelet

Pecunia Non Olet? I think not. A man

I have always believed pecunia non olet worked all over the world but after being in the worst coffee in London believe just smell the money ... Then I
and Mo we have entered this hole near the Borough Mareket the South Bank to watch the hotel for the May Bank Holiday we have planned to A'daam.

The waiter before us the ok for the hotspot 's all working, "he says. Then we sit down, and after ten minutes (the coffee 'had not yet arrived) asked us not to use the laptop din' cause after six and not 'over a café but a restaurant. Also told us that if we wanted to continue using the handset we had to use it outside. Less than -15 degrees. Well thanks
beggar. You've definitely earned a tip.

First the food is shit and then eat some nachos beloved by beggars.

when I started to write this post I did some research and I could not but rejoice when I read that in the past are administration.

It did not surprise me after this wonderful experience.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

What Is The Price Of The Bmw Gina

Apple (WAZ) Windows encounters a man (myself)

Well yes, of groomed waz emphasizes the creative my veins. so thanks to a super cool software, movie I made in his last two emails.
I mean, the guy is a fan boy and do not stop to tell me that I have to switch to Apple at all costs because with Apple you can:
-be super cool

call-load your profile
-go to twitter
-load applications heck
-play when you're underground.
-Be super cool.

is the problem and that we need to work with computers.

When a man meets a man with a Windows Apple and Apple with the man over.
Or not?

Do You Congratulate Someone Who Just Had A Baby

The Baobad Of Franz

In the south of France .... someone grow a baobab

superbaobab the badass of franz

but that the balls. potersti not get nasty with lavender?
stereotypes alive ...