Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Best Highschool Canadian Basketball Prospects


via E!
Since we are depression in the mood to watch the course of the foothills:
Studiatevelo well.
Observe carefully the fields and forests will disappear and imagine the trucks to and from Malpensa to pass from here and all those who want to cut off milan.
Try to imagine the noise, because right now coming out in the fields at night (but also during the day) you can clearly hear the noise of the freeway, just imagine a little 'highway to six lanes, three for each direction. And all that beautiful
slaughter of roads down near Bellusco, is an area of \u200b\u200bservice!
Why we needed it, man, a beautiful area of \u200b\u200bservice, that if all goes well be called "service area Villanova! It is to be proud of!
But we are sure that this is called "progress"?
We are very confident that will improve our lives?
not that, by chance, we are taking away what little we have nice and clean (free rides), and in return we are giving new cars (to buy ...) and new directions (for a fee ...) ?
"Progress" wants us to spend, is consumed. Whether you use the most exemplary of the car, come on! Eat! Eat! Buy new cars, maybe green (but where were these green cars that now sprout like mushrooms? Where were a few years ago? Why tell us that the hydrogen car will be used only in 2040 and not now? And, incidentally, just in 2040, when there is a depletion of oil resources? It 's a coincidence?) And with our new cars speeding on highways ecologicissime brand-new.
At least a couple of years with our beautiful ecological Toy car, we will be queued in the foothills instead of the bypass, you would like to?
I can not understand why, tell me you are never found the money to improve public transportation, light rail, commuter trains, cycle paths, but when it comes to building a new highway, bridge or whatever has to do with cars and money are always just. Why?

The Native Americans were called savages ...
Let me be wild, please. Save me from this progress.


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