Friday, April 9, 2010

Red Cross And Crystal Meth Blood Donations

The question of priority of the situation

more than four months have passed since Judith has appeared in our lives, and I need to do some 'the point. Judi
At Home is really talented. It 's a wonderful dog. Check her needs very well and also comes to wait nearly 12 hours, sometimes before release. He also learned to overcome his shyness and communicate when it absolutely needs to get out: the square outside the front door and looks at you with languid eyes. The more you shake, and most understand that the need is strong, and we quickly learned to read these and other communications by making our relationship more and more peaceful. If you can understand what the dog wants to think that the problems are reduced significantly. Typically
his days are as follows: long output of 1 hour or more, in the fields in the morning, where it is left free to run happy, then eating, resting at home or on the balcony or in the garden of Mauro (sometimes it is spread on the carpet and not move, others want to go out on the balcony, while others took pleasure in being down in the garden. We try to observe it and understand what to do, consistent with our needs). After lunch, between 14.00 and 16.00 or so, depending on when I can, another long ride, 1 hour or more, in the fields. Here, too, is left free, without a leash. Then we go back, and while preparing dinner she just dozing or sleeping on the carpet. The Egle instead breaks for his diced and you stressed the soul until it gets what it wants, as opposed to the Buddhist that Judi patiently waits for his dinner without complaining. It seems incredible, but when I am ready and I start to pull out his things from the fridge she lifts her big head and looks at me: he knew, somehow, now it's up to you. When I bring the bowl to the balcony she follows me and wagging his tail, in contrast to earlier approaches to the bowl while they are still within range. If you think it strange to know that Judi, the first time, does not approach the food until there was someone in the neighborhood, and even after he did so very cautiously, often taking a bite and away from the bowl, then return after . We have always tried to let the peace of mind when eating and still do not want anyone to have problems while in the food bowl and eating. I think it is a very sensitive time for an animal, it is for us to imagine them. Judi always eats his dinner with great pleasure (just dry food, now only food prepared by my hands) and often I realize that's not enough, still hungry. I understand why you wander through the house sniffing the air, licking the saucer and looking Egle often with languid eyes. Never comes close to our table to beg for food, I never knew that Judi is not alms food like many dogs, has a very independent character and a certain pride that prevents it from his "prostitute" for a while 'food. So on those occasions, if I may, the extension is often the leftovers from dinner, but always putting in his bowl.
When he has finished eating if you want to enter the square in front of the balcony door and watches us with a face that says, "let me go, please." Otherwise it can be spread in his soft kennel and sleeps like a baby. When we dined, the belly is full and we are all relaxed and happy and we move on divanone Judi becomes the star of the evening! He's almost becoming a habit: we leave the table set and all the kitchen to do and we get to play with her. Eleanor and Clare are able to invent new games and she follows it with pleasure. Often picks up so much that then it is hard to calm her down. Or is there a climate conducive to cuddling and it is then that Judi is at its best himself. He has a huge need of pampering and seem never enough. The evening continues until the exit quiet evening, the "senior tour" that is a quiet walk around the block, sometimes with a quick detour in the fields, but always on a leash. When they return they are all already in bed, taxes are all closed and she puts in front of the balcony door because he knows already that there is his bed. I greet you, I open the door and I wish you good night, as you would a child. For a dog (but also for us, if you think about it ...), the regularity of the gestures and rituals are very important. But the real
Judi, that free and happy, without the fears and concerns, it is can be seen only in the fields.
By now the free time, even without the "dumbo feather," Pier told me to trust that now I can leave safely, and every day I build up mutual trust. There are no more unpleasant situations for the first time, although I must admit that in that case was I wrong and not her. Indeed the more we ponder the more I realize that she has given me confidence from the beginning, I was to be anxious, for fear of not being able to get it back and this fear made things more complicated. Above all, as we shall see later, does not understand it, I did not understand what he wanted to tell me.
The outputs are usually like this: the arrival in the camps, I still tied until we passed the first field of barley, then the free part of her now happy with a buck a few feet and start to smell the world. As I walk the path I see that she is still behind, never lose eye contact with me. Often at this stage before me and when I do not see me get ahead. If we take another route than the one where she went, just call her once and she follows me over and begins driving the road. If you look closely you can see that on a regular quick glances at me, to make sure my presence and the direction in which way, and then resumed his intense activity: chasing everything that moves (birds , lizards, butterflies, bees), removal of material from various depths of the earth, olfactory-sensory analysis of everything that surrounds it, screening 360 ° to see other dogs around.
Here, the other dogs.
Judi has a dispassionate love for all dogs. As soon as it spots one should definitely join and invite him to play. Approaches always sending clear signals of appeasement (approach with a long ride and never directly on the side, head and tail down, slow movement and an eye ever on the dog) and then clearly calls the game, with the classic bowed front legs and tail shake. Few resist the invitation, and then is found to be the darling of all dog owners. I also saw her play with Denzel, a rottweiler terrifying scary just watching it. Only rarely received any rejection, and in that case is very capable at quick release to tail down, as if nothing had happened. His strategy for survival, both with dogs than with humans, it is mainly the flight or, but only in second place and only if the drain is completely blocked, the submissiveness. What then becomes total. An unconditional surrender.
joints but near the end of the round, when he realizes that it must return home, Judi stops, let the distance between me and you will also increase considerably and began a silent communication with the undersigned, made of eyes and head movements that I think, means this: "Please, we are still a bit 'here!".
I try to call it, to invite her to play hide and seek, but rarely reach these devices in order to bring it. Then I have to act out the usual comedy: I \u200b\u200btake again the path in the direction of the field and happy to follow the call as if it started all over again. Then you see her running towards me happy and wagging her delight, "dungeon do one more lap!". I then caress, I offer you a biscuit and then, with all the serenity can I say, "now the lead Judi, let's go home. Leash!" She sits down and lets himself go, as always. I'm sorry but I have no frigate so many alternatives, then I try always to the other streets in the hope that he understands when it is time to return and accept it calmly, but does not always work.
I know for sure that does so not because he wants to run away from me, but because they simply want to prolong as much as possible the time we spend in the fields. In fact, sometimes while you are coming in, lies down on the grass suddenly closing his eyes, as if to say "but you see how good it feels to be here?" So really I do: I sit next to her, sometimes even I lie too, the sub-story to what is truly beautiful landscape, to what is right to love everything, even if it is a simple campaign Brianza and stroked the hair soft and shiny.
She closes her eyes and I feel a bit 'stupid to stand there lying to speak with a dog as if it were my girlfriend, but then I tell myself that deep down she's right.


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