Sunday, March 21, 2010

Nj Temp Disability Do You Get A W2

lesson of obedience lesson 5 ° 4 °

bee decided to try these delicate spring flowers, are the first signs of a season that was made to wait long.

Great lesson, that of last Friday. Just get well known that Judi now recognize the place, and when they start to park shows signs of growing excitement: it pulls like crazy, want to get down the field, and just go through the gate I need to leave because it is no longer for joy. With the present is quite loose, and Aldo Ale they are even able to give her treats and caressing her quietly. I also note that the higher its serenity, more games with other dogs become intense. Pierangelo already pointed out to me that Judi gives clear signs of wanting to dominate, even if not all, at least on some dogs, and even the Goddess has tried for a couple of microseconds, to keep his side. Obviously, given its particular history, I think this is absolutely positive and I consider her a slow regain of his character.
The lesson is developed, with the historical group bunched up, the contents already seen: "foot", "alt", "sit" and probabiilmente they will be content even the next lectures. Even Lilly, the Basset Hound, who returned after an absence, it seems like the company and the atmosphere is serene.
Then it's time to do an exercise about the attack and there we all moved.
We all lined up in single file, and Pierangelo explains how the exercise would take place: he would come by one of us would have taken the lead and we would have to invite the dog to the game, trying to excite him as much as possible , then we would have run away calling loudly. Pier would keep the dog while we were running away, and the dog would have much pull on the leash. The trainer then he would leave suddenly on a leash, while we, squatting, we called in a loud voice the poor beast. At that point, says Peter, the dog should come to you like lightning. The dog indeed fear more than anything else, the abandonment by the owner and the trainer uses this to further strengthen the attachment bond.
Part Tesla, holds the Pier while Al runs away calling. All we observe in silence, even the dogs seem to be on alert. Tesla rolls, leaves Pier and Tesla trots by his mistress happy. Begins within us to be born a deep tenderness at seeing the happy dog \u200b\u200bwho returns from her mistress, to hear compliments, to see him wagging his tail.
Then it's up to Judi. I invite you to the game, she looks at me excitedly. Childbirth as she launches a rocket and happy behind me, but firmly holds the Pier and leash here, when the instructor feels to be kept strong, Judi crashes. Do not look at me more, lowers his ears and tail and holds the Pier looks sad. I continue to call her, she turns to me, is the act of moving but then stops again to look Pier. Are you telling me that can not come, and at the same time passively accepts being held without opposition. I insist on calling, leaves Pier and Judi walks away from him quickly and is directed toward me, but the heartbreaking thing is that it does remain Pier turned to look, as if he were afraid that the chasing to get it. I obviously fill it with kisses and cuddles, and she seems rassenerarsi quickly. Escaped danger, think!
Then cuddle and caress while I watch the other dogs how to behave and scenes are beautiful. Few images are more beautiful and intense, for a dog owner, that see a dog that runs like a rocket into the arms of his master who calls him. The two German shepherds do in a very poignant: an arrow shot toward the master. Mila also does the same to Aldo and even Megha, which is linked almost obsessively to his master, launches firm. Lilly is also moving and tender, the Basset Hound, who trots to his master, and is also moving to know that that dog, with its stubby, Gambotto court has acted in Lomagna walk from Caserta, where he volunteers' s have entrusted to its current owner. Incredible to think about it. Simba
instead a laugh at all, because once released, instead of running from his master, happy and carefree rushes toward other dogs, as if he had been invited to a costume party, leaving his master's dejected in a corner field!
Then we make a second attempt, where Judi even not even attempt to pull on the leash, sit and watch the patient who holds Pier. It's becoming a bit ' Buddhist, like his master. In fact as soon as you leave quietly heads towards me with disdain, as if he had a little mishap that prevented her from first to arrive. It 's amazing and tender its ability to let do anything without reacting at all.
The lesson concludes with other walks on a leash and with the final game, but in the eyes of all are impressed by the images we have moved a little earlier. In the general silence of the dog to see the race was exciting and the master, let me say, almost ... intimate. Seeing that image is perceived that the relationship with your dog is something deep and unique. Relationship that is built into every minute, the hours we spend with him, all silent walks in all the hugs and the love that we exchange (because it is reciprocal exchange), in all that take care of him.
What then, I am increasingly convinced, is also and above all take care of us .
At that moment, despite all the people watching, the two were "isolated" from all, lived a short moment of intimacy, of deep mutual understanding.
And the thing that was so moved by his being a "spectator" to the meeting, rather than being directly protagonist. See
other in that intimate moment we can in fact understand better what we live and This moves us.
If I were a painter, maybe I would try to paint it, then.
I would try to communicate to those who do not live these experiences, what are your feelings as a man when he sees me that wonderful and smelly heap of white hair that more than 300 meters away you run toward him in a race fast, sleek and lightweight .
man stops, smiles, and tries to seize all the beauty of the moment.
Because he knows, he learned long ago, that this is a perfect time.

PS then when you approach the dog learns that you have just rolled in something really disgusting and repulsive, and it breaks the magic ...


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