Monday, March 15, 2010

Beads To Fit Troll Bracelet

Pecunia Non Olet? I think not. A man

I have always believed pecunia non olet worked all over the world but after being in the worst coffee in London believe just smell the money ... Then I
and Mo we have entered this hole near the Borough Mareket the South Bank to watch the hotel for the May Bank Holiday we have planned to A'daam.

The waiter before us the ok for the hotspot 's all working, "he says. Then we sit down, and after ten minutes (the coffee 'had not yet arrived) asked us not to use the laptop din' cause after six and not 'over a café but a restaurant. Also told us that if we wanted to continue using the handset we had to use it outside. Less than -15 degrees. Well thanks
beggar. You've definitely earned a tip.

First the food is shit and then eat some nachos beloved by beggars.

when I started to write this post I did some research and I could not but rejoice when I read that in the past are administration.

It did not surprise me after this wonderful experience.


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