Thursday, April 1, 2010

6co2 6h2o -> C6h12o6 6o2

obedience course 6 ° course

Photo: Judi Yvy and engaged in an acrobatic ballet (choreographed by Mother Nature) Friday
the intrepid heroes were on time at training camp, even if the time threatened to actually download rivers of water, and the dogs were very happy. I had decided to Judi despite the weather, because I really needed to move a bit '. The recent work of the street in front of the bulldozers at work and at home had literally terrified and today I wanted to grant at least one hour of recreation. I would also flow in the flood.
In fact, the deluge has arrived! Just when we arrived.
Within minutes, the field was a swamp and then Pier reminds us of the following day, weather permitting. After half an hour the heavens open and the dogs can play happily in the mud. Judi that I take home is more like a cocker spaniel than a Maremma, and I have to wash it for a long time. After an hour of work, the blonde is fluffy and fragrant like a star and spreads on the new carpet Ikea happy that we made for her.
the morning after an inviting sun awaits us at the camp and, either because it's Saturday or because the weather is nice, but the general climate is its nice, the dogs seem happy and we seem to be on vacation. Pierangelo seems even better! In the classical exercises
us add the command "stay", which works something like this: once seated the dog, the officer shall continue to be! and you move away one step (One step, no more) while holding the leash in his hand. The dog must get used to our departure, which will be gradual, and remain stationary in the sitting position, quiet. If she lies on the floor better yet, is a sign that is peaceful and we will forward the command "EARTH". That is, if we see that the lie is about to say: "Land!" and become accustomed to associate with the command position. Judi in this exercise leads to an exemplary manner, does not show the least to suffer the separation, if not rare, and remains quiet session. Its helps to be independent and autonomous. Other dogs, much more attached to his master, showing a lot of suffering even the slightest gap and Pierre has his work cut ... In other commands
improvements are evident, the walk to the foot is loose and calm, the "run" executes almost without any action on a leash, in the sense that runs alone without my guide, "sitting" is increasingly Judi common to see who sits after 2 / 3 command, sometimes only the first, and "Alt" now sees responsive and obedient. I often see while we perform the exercises and it looks like fun she, too, almost like a student, glad to be of good in the eyes of the master.
continue in our exercises and Pier also adds the "right" and "left", which consists nell'abituare our quadruped turning in the direction announced and confirmed with a pull of a leash. It 'nice to see that dogs are moving now as the perfect partner.
After more than an hour of exercises that we see all the dogs are exhausted, they seem to have made the ascent of Everest, and after a brief pause the game all coming home. Appointment after Easter, and I already know I will miss the lesson on Friday ...

The landlady: Goddess, the German shepherd Pier, who never loses an opportunity to reiterate to all present his superiority (which nobody ever put the dogs in question ...)

Lillo, the Basset Hound nice.

Tesla, you know this already.


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