Friday, April 30, 2010

How Were Ships Of The 1700's Made

have happened to me two episodes, a few days of each other, seemingly without connection between them but, for a more thorough analysis, show that both have a particular view on the priorities of life. Both episodes concern the discussions I had with older people.
The first episode starring my father, who hunted in the wrong way from the Ele the garden (not his, to be precise, but my brother in law) because he was playing with the ball, and this could damage the plants of the nearby garden. All this is good say, shouting and waving like a madman, with the result to come from the Ele me crying and unable to explain why she could not play in the garden. Sunday lunch I raised the matter with him, trying to convince him that ironically may have exaggerated, and I was attacked violently.
The issue was that I did not understand that plants get damaged.
But I know very well that the plants may be damaged (although it should be noted that this was a small rubber ball, not a soccer ball in leather), from there I get there. What I am allowed to say was: "So what? And even if you ruin a plant garlic? What is more important? If one day I will have the good fortune to have grandchildren who play in the garden I think I'll be happy to see them, even if I have to sacrifice the dignity and planting for my beautiful garden, cabbage. "If we add all that Ele passed this fall to see the play just fills my heart joy, and tomato seedlings, forgive, but I cared less.
hell broke loose.
he had never said.
has bestowed upon me with a sudden violence that has many explanations, and on which is better fly over here, but which I had to react. The wolf in me, in front of a growling that way, showed his teeth and attacked. Also because the voltage was oriented Ele and I did not want to allow this .

Second episode.
I used to warmly greet everyone he meets in the fields, and this certainly is not a use to which they are accustomed to the good Brianza, so closed in their shells rarely able to open the cage of teeth in order to mutate into a spontaneous smile the snarl that always accompanies them. Just do not make it, at most react with a groan indecipherable, often delayed by several seconds.
So when I met him in the woods the "perfect-Monza-go-in-church-every-Sunday-the-vote-League-rome-thieving-immigrant-of-shit" which, although living in the country for 20 years I has never addressed the slightest glance, I greeted with a smile and a loud "good morning" even If the arrivals of Judi shoulders and pulled like crazy (maybe not like the smell ...). This
mumbles something that looks like a death rattle of a consumptive and then calls me back: "Ah, listen! (As if you remember just now) I must say the one thing you know you can not let go of the dog?". With aggressive and arrogant tone.
Yes, I know that until 15 August I could not let go of the dog, I know that planting garlic suffer damage if it goes over the ball, but I've got to fool everyone, by any chance? I know, I know God's sake! I understand that too. Even a mind like mine just Brianza understand it, damn it!
And I also understand that there is a difference when I meet other hunters in my country, very friendly and smiling, I always ask Judith and want to know the improvements, and tell me your experiences with their dogs. Kind and have never arrogant in exchange for all my esteem and my affection
But here again I growled, and once again the wolf responds.
And once again I understand that here is a matter of priority.

What is most important to you, dear father? In order to have perfect symmetry and all the vegetable seedlings? I'm sorry for you, dear father. You'll have a perfect garden, with all the beautiful plants and lush line, but you completely lose the priceless beauty of seeing your grandson play in the garden. What is more important
for you, dear Brianza doc? That no foreigner (even if living 100 meters away from you) is in your estate to touch your absurd privileges hunter? I'm sorry for you dear docg Monza, you also your privilege that the law allows you (and often become laws only protect the privileges of a few ...), but you will miss the opportunity to build relationships with calm and even more joyful who lives near you.
And perhaps this would also avoid turning a day of nell'Olindo turn.
Hard worker, very private, devoted to his wife and murderer of neighbors.


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