Wednesday, March 10, 2010

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Soul and Pet Obedience Course

"We are steeped in nostalgia for the old wilderness. There are few antidotes approved for that longing. We were taught to be ashamed of such a desire. We let his hair grow and we have used to hide the feelings. But the shadow of the Wild Woman flattens still within us, in our days, our nights. Everywhere and always, the shadow that trots behind us is definitely four-legged. "
Clarissa Pinkola Estes - Women Who Run with Wolves

That night I had a strange dream. I dreamed my head (!) That made a comment about the paucity of my genitals. Or rather, he claimed that my attribute had "shrunk". (Please at this point the gentlemen readers to refrain from any comment. So I know the words to "My Head" "genitals" and "shrunk" my analyst is already sbellicando with laughter, Sergeant true?).
So, I said, I was preoccupied thinking on that strange dream, and walked slowly nell'half pipe, that path that is flanked by steep banks (such as a trench, Sergeant ....!!). Judith was free, without a leash but with the "Dumbo's feather," which reminds her to come back, and turned quiet sniffing every bush.
At one point, I feel his presence beside me, and I realize that I am sure the side, but on the shore, higher by respecting me.
It is also recognized that its pace is exactly synchronized to the mine. Continue for some tens of meters perfectly side by side, silent, and I under her on the shore, and then I hunch, a feeling.
I have the clear impression that Judi is a part of me.
Judi represents and symbolizes the ancient part of my soul and wild. That guy that made me go whole afternoons in the woods looking for wood to make a good slingshot, or that pushed me to challenge the chill of late autumn, in the fields of Masanti, to throw a javelin made of hazel wood. I remember perfectly that feeling, that cold, chapped cheeks and hands, the wet grass and the smell of fresh earth and penetrating. And the need to stay outside until it was dark forwarded. And the pleasure of playing and running and jumping, with no other purpose than to play with themselves and with the world. And the time did not exist. There was! The time was the cycle of the sun, when he slept We woke up with dark and light. He liked it no matter what, any time. And the rain do not stop at all, just changed the background of your games. With the rain gutters and discovered the dams and channels made of stones. And the snails, toads and trout fat and juicy after the storm became voracious. There was in the barn, while outside the flood, forbidden to speak and exchange information to adults, watching the swallows lined up on the wire, hundreds of them. He looked at the rain as a pleasant break.
It drew liberally on the inexhaustible source of energy and creativity that is the soul of everyone wild.
And now I'm with Judi, in continuous contact with this side of the soul, I "re-find" to lie down on straw stubble in the field, and to discover that even in winter is warm! I am chatting with Alex and the other dog owners, and all, let us if, with all the atmosphere is always relaxed, he smiles a lot. It turns out that walking in the cold not only good for the body but keeps us in touch with something ancient and pleasant, increases energy and good humor, it is no longer active. Not only that. There are more dirty, as boys, smells become stronger. The trappings of social life, clothing, decoration, machine, good manners, let them for when we are at work, but when we go to the fields we get rid of a little ' of these weights. To prepare me to carry out Judith is like getting rid of a burden: the hollowing out of work clothes quickly and are happy to slip just as quickly in old and dirty trousers, the jacket tanned, in boots. We dog owners happy and happy dog \u200b\u200bowners, we go around the fields tanned as the Roma, with all due respect. Scarecrow street vendors, dressed in improbable hats and gloves from a few pounds. And all this I find it incredibly liberating and energy. The presence of
Judi has created a bridge between me and my soul through the wilderness which are brought to the surface energies that thought disappeared.
Maybe, I say "maybe", the animals in general and especially domestic ones, have that purpose: to keep in touch with the underwater world of our wild soul, even without being fully aware, it does not matter.
's why the relationship with Judith is getting stronger. I know that through you I'm coming home in that old place where he lives and indescribable my being animal , my animus , my spirit. Where to stay
my Anemos, my wind.
My breath, my aura.
The principle of life, which they sometimes perceive the presence but, like all things essential is invisible to the eye.

PS I know that the Sergeant at this point, thinking about my dream, has a sly smile on his face and his eyes sparkle, or am I wrong?


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