Sunday, March 14, 2010

There Anybody Been On The Bait Bus

course of obedience lesson

In the picture: in the vicinity of the "Olympic pool Tesla," Judith ostrich sticks its head, losing the spectacular snow capped mountains.

the 4th lesson of obedience to the course. The hordes of the Mongols have abandoned clearings Lomagna, there is no trace of Genghis Khan and his dogs, and then the historical group was bunched up cheerful and happy. Pierangelo
we head one by one in the conduct of the dog, we have to cock, but finally congratulated the whole group: we are working well. At the controls already seen classics, "foot" and "alt", add the "run" and, now, even the "sit". Judith behaves well with the first three but with the "sitting" does not seem to understand: if I stand in front of her sits perfectly, but if the command will do while she is on my side there's no way to make her sit. I'm hoarse, but she looks at me with disdain, as if I were a crazy compatible possessed. Peter does not want me to go ahead, tell me to pull the tail down, but she opposes a high resistance and I do not want to do it violence, however small, to force it, so I like the students when the Pier I I can see I put myself in front quickly, and I give the command. Judi seems to understand and sits down right away, so quickly back into place with a smug smile on his lips, Judi is sitting beside me all proud and we look just a perfect pair to the final scene of a beautiful tear-jerking movie. Stuff to sunset in the background, violins and strings crescendo and shot running from us and then rises up to frame the valley, the sea, the mountains and then slowly fading in the closing credits. I caressed the big head on, smile at her and I seem to catch a flick accomplice in her eyes.

We also started to give us to eat only food prepared by Judi us, so just enough nuggets and foraging multinationals Now it is only rice, ricotta, vegetables, raw and cooked meat, and cooking pots and appeared chunks of meat. Yesterday, while preparing his mash with boiled rice and minced meat, Egle my cat looked at me puzzled, and then I tried to put a little 'for minced meat in his bowl. He sniffed as he would the Queen of England with a plate of fried grasshoppers, she turned to me smugly and walked away without even tasting it hurt!
Two seconds after the flesh had already disappeared, swallowed by the jaws of Judi!

Spring is upon us, the temperature is much more pleasant and farmers began to plow the land for planting. One of the two fields of stubble and then disappeared and failed one of her favorite places, but in return I discovered that Judi goes wild running like crazy in the freshly plowed earth, soft and fragrant as a barking a madman. She even at the height of excitement, happy to lie in the warm earth, as if it were on the carpet at home, and I must say that this has a point. Out of curiosity, I approached her and I've tried to sit and breathe for a few minutes smells strong, in the middle of a newly plowed field.
not tell anyone: it is really nice.


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