Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tyroid Disorder Scholarship

° lesson of obedience

In pictures: One of those days where it seems to live in a nice place. From left: the three horns Canzo Grigna Resegone and the backdrop to the country. In the foreground what I call the "Half Pipe", the piece of trail Ruginello encased between two steep banks. One of the favorite places to play for the acrobatics of Judi.

Judith, Tesla, Mila (although the bullet has entered the course!) Milù, Yvy, Simba and Megha (sic). These students enrolled in the course, Simba is a labrador MOOLTO lively and Milù Yvy are German shepherds and Megha is a small pincher obese. The others already know.
In the second lesson we did exercise run leash: by foot.
This walk with his dog beside him (or her) that you realize that you are guided, in this summary. In detail, we must act very much on the leash when the dog tends to pull or to stop giving a jerk like "climbing a marlin," when you are in Cuba to Cayo Largo do big game fishing, something like that. A decisive blow and go. All reinforcing the message with a curt "no!" when the dog pulls. In the future, says Pierre, the dog will feel the tug to the NO and the associate and then stop without necessarily having to rip the neck. The good old
Pavlov, in fact.
Judi, Tesla and Mila fared great, they just pretend to pull on the leash and give up already, other dogs have had some problems, especially Simba, at some point at which Pierre had to understand who is boss. As it did not want to obey and you are good, and kept licking her face to Pier jumping, he has tried before with a couple of ways then, because it did not work, took the lead and put the boot on a short leash cm from the dog's neck, forcing him to lie on the ground. Simba there was shouting and struggling and in danger of choking. For a few seconds, which seemed to last forever, no one breathed, we were terrified from the scene. The dog howled, Pierangelo not let up at all the power, the worried owner, but now needed to bring the concept to its logical conclusion. There was game all the authority of our instructor. The dog had to surrender and give up. After a few seconds, I said, Simba finally stopped panting, and immediately Pier caresses him long ago and the compliments. The dog began to wag its tail, the tension melts and Pierangelo lets go. Simba is quiet next to him, he wags his tail, there is evidence but not frightened or injured, and Peter explains what happened. While Peter is explaining, Simba, surprisingly, still trying to jump up and lick his face and Pier again by the same method, but this time the Labrador will stop immediately, he understood, and there will need a third example. The lesson
ends with 15 minutes of play, in which Judi, as usual, happy as a child. I register once again that Judith, with increasing frequency, it can be approached even when it is free, and always seems more relaxed in the presence of strangers. Pierangelo bet a pizza with me within 8 lessons that she will leave quietly approaching from strangers. In that case I will be happy to pagargliela!
And now, for the heading "do fleas at all because they are a pain in the ass," say some things about the course, perhaps with a smile. Pierangelo
I really like, I like the passion that makes speaking and its safety in handling the animals, but the teaching of this lesson was not the maximum, I do not want to. One that makes the exercise and all the other stops for about ten minutes is a situation that devolved to the long and weary, and you can not maintain the high curve of attention. Maybe we could try, at some point, do the exercise each for its own account, in a different direction and then compare, then insert variants (right, left, the turn). Well let us move more. It seemed to me that animals were a bit 'fed up at some point.
But I say this only because I'm a nag which is never anything good. It 's just the beginning and have to wait to express your opinion more complete. In any case, I admit, now I'm looking forward to Friday Judi Lomagna to bring, and as long as it will, that's fine.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

How To Do A Ets Dity Move Online

2 nd lesson of obedience course, 1 class A kennel

Meet Saturday, February 20 at 13:15 by Ale, the two girls are shaken as we go up but happy in the car. Once in Lomagna we see the usual mayhem unspeakable: Dogs of all breeds, owners embarrassed or excited, giggling dissolution of tension that are wasted. Judith capomuta pulls like a sled and risk of injury to the rotator cuff of the shoulder, Tesla was terrified and would not even get off the street .... we're good ...! We are able to approach the gate slowly and the two girls calm down. The biscuits are sold in all with both hands, the Friskies wishes to thank ...
Once begin the rituals of mutual understanding. Nina and the Goddess, the two hosts turn to fall in line and all to understand who is boss in this place. To Judi and Tesla is not necessary now and then: Judi if the row with his tail between his legs if the watch is lying and pretending Tesla already dead before the other one will do anything. After the customary rite of us instructors gather in a circle and begin to explain how the course work. I, Judi and Alessandra attentive listening, and Tesla will the next two hours with his head turned to the outside with a look that says, "I have absolutely no intention of being minimally involved in all this."
Of these twenty pairs (dog-owner, do you understand?) I remain impressed, in order:
- a German giant with a huge Newfoundland dog on a lead of 70 kg (or viveversa: a Newfoundland dog on a leash with a German , you name it)!
- an awkward boy of 50 kg with a majestic and somewhat agitated dobermann with pointed ears Batman style;
- a meek and a thousand times better looking Doberman with normal ears, and not pointed like a bat, led by a tender guy who, when asked what it was called the dog, said to us, three times: "I have not chosen the name! I have not chosen me!" It was called Diablo, and we have recommended him strongly to change it as soon as possible!
- a lady with a dog so small it could easily disappear in an instant between the jaws of Newfoundland (or German) and no one would notice;
- a considerable number of German shepherds, all quite agitated and unruly.
The course is organized by core dog rescue "Curone" to Lomagna (LC) and Pierre, manager, explains what are the attitudes and behavior that we take during the course. By the end asks everyone to leave immediately with no dog, but to let the animals play in a moment of free knowledge, play and socialization, as important as the course. Judith like a lot of shows and launches playing simultaneously with as many dogs as possible, jumping from here and there as un'invasata. Every time I go to greet me beaming. And 'happy. Tesla also seems quieter.
decide after half an hour to leave the camp and I am amazed by how calmly stroked Judi is made by all present without showing signs of fear. As we reach the car and Ale I tried to put into practice the recommendations of the first Pierre and Umberto and lead by foot Tesla and Judi to the car and the girls respond wonderfully. We are as happy as schoolboys on the first day of school!
Upon returning home we decided to give us an appointment to the fields where there already waiting for Margot, and Pepe Groucho (the three blond labrador) and their boss, and the company also added Mila (the bullet) and Penny (a German shepherd female, great and majestic). Judi play till you drop with Mila-the-bullet then gives the turn to the other dogs seem to sfiancare the poor dog. Even then he falls for a spin, Judith looks really exhausted, dragging on the carpet and begins to purr until 22.30, when I have to wake her for her to do the stroll in the evening. Upon returning to the nest I found in a present, given the importance of the day: a fragrant huge ham bone! I put in a kennel, we hope you come in, and she actually goes there, check out the window I see her ass from the bed. After two seconds it was already out, with the bone in the mouth ...

PS Many have asked me who he was Indian. Well it is my brother, he is also an artist and much more. Indio is the name of Capoeira, in fact, has been teaching Capoeira in Como. The one pictured is one of his paintings, particularly one that I love. Shortly be publishing some of his works.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Uncensored Brent Corrigan Free Movies


woodworking I love it.
I'm not a great coach, I do not have the right tools, and according to my father (obviously) are not good at doing nothing, but I enjoy a world to build simple wooden objects. After the clothes horse in beech and boxes for flowers last summer, I launched the construction of the kennel for Judi. I asked the engineer lights. Prosdo on how I should do (me and Judi in fact we made a visit to his house to see the nest of Tesla and how he built), then I started.
"I urge you: do the drawings! I say good engineer. but I prefer to do some sketches and then left, too much desire to get started! Expedition to Leroy Merlin with family, brief visit to the ward carpets (uffaaaaaaa. ......... All bad! Mouth!) Then finally to choose the wood. The choice is up 2 beads in fir st choice, deals in the 6.90 m, 4 strips of raw 40x40x2000 fir, plus a few accessories like screws, hinges and more. In everything I spend about 50 €.
At home port all in that box is my laboratory, and in a few days of nice work here over the kennel. In the pictures you can see the various stages, except that the mounting on the balcony, where Judi looked at us as if we were mounting a scaffold just where she sleeps. Needless to say, the kennel has been ready for two nights there but Judith has spent even a minute in, he insists on sleeping on the bare floor behind (or above) his beloved Poang. I tried to throw in the juicy bones that I offer, she enters, and takes it out! I'll try to put the bowl of dry food and make the street as Tom Thumb.
Wait! What an idiot! It is perhaps Judi combines the famous kennel cage for the beast "by Gaspar and Horace and then not want to know? A doubt comes over me ...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What Episode Does Vegeta Marry Bulma

to India's house

Today Judi and I have made a trip to House .... Indio (such as, do not know who is?)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Wards Lab Population Genetics

The wonderful world of adolescent Judi Judi

like Judith A:

- running headlong into the field,
- eat the snow shovel;
- poke its nose in the holes of mice;
- dig as a caterpillar;
- socialize with all the dogs in the northern hemisphere;
- drinking water from puddles all he meets, even just a small taste;
- sniff every blade of grass that it encounters;
- eating with taste only a certain type of grass;
- sniffing the poop of other dogs;
- taste some!
- hear the noise of the dry poured into his bowl;
- steal the "eastern tuna diced" from the bowl of Egle (our cat);
- Drinking water from the bowl Egle (so you do not drink at all until not change
...); - steal the preferred place of Egle, in front of the fireplace (so she tosses a look of hatred);
- pulverize the clothespins;
- sleeping on the Ikea chair Poang ;
- to destroy the arms of her chair in bites Poang Ikea;
- turn and the pellet Ikea rug (maybe not the like things Swedish
...); - devouring a bone in the buff in 2 minutes flat;
- play with my gloves batteries;
- suddenly jump on you to take the gloves batteries;
- forget in which there are piles of gloves my hands
- turn around the couch;
- open a packet of tissues only with the teeth;
- to reduce microscopic pieces and strew the contents on the floor;
- look smug work;
- spy on me while I dress to bring out;
- be pampered;
- pamper yourself lying upside down in the stubble field in winter;
- sigh as a lover;

A Judith does not like:
- take a shower;
- to meet a stranger;
- to meet a stranger with a stick;
- to meet a stranger with a limp and a stick (this is the ultimate in terror!)
- the noise of 'vacuum cleaner;
- the noise of the dryer;
- the noise of the garbage truck;
- when someone sneezes;
- eat when someone observes it;
- return too early from the fields around;
- do the "tour of pensioners;

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Where To Buy Plastic Cabochon Flowers Sydney

The first Sunday in February was organized by my country for the traditional non-competitive race tracks and courses in the area. Many participants, and then they become very animated trails that normally I often go and Judith. And Judi, it is appropriate to say, shake a lot (I'm using a euphemism) when someone crosses. So I waited for the big race pass onwards, driven by an inviting sun, I started with Judi for the usual Sunday ride, size extra large. After a few meters I took Judi and I had a nice little speech: "There are many people around but I have faith (in the voice shook me to say ...) and you free, but you do the good, do not be afraid if meet someone and when I call you back. " Deep breath, crossed fingers, a small prayer to the god Pan and then on. Free!
two seconds and I knew that today was not day: instead of being restless teenager in the area began to buck here and from there just like a happy and irresponsible to fourteen. It launched in greyhound racing by, jumped like an antelope, he rolled in the mud as un'invasata. I force myself to be optimistic, chase away the bad thoughts and go on the walk, calling occasionally, and she follows, but follows at a distance.
At one point he sees the three blond labrador 200 meters, had met on other occasions, and sling them at a gallop. My boos booster falls into the cosmic void ... The mistress of the canine trio just a simple reminder to put in its row (envy crazy ...), while Judi wagging around them moving like a ballerina the Moulin Rouge, and they forgot my finely continuous and increasing calls. When the three labrador they go, and lined up like soldiers trooped, Judith turns around and finally back to me happy.
My heart is filled with a trainer injured late, but nice, pride is coming back to me! Back to me! Already
TO ......" "to me," DA "me!
fact comes close to me, almost at the speed of light and throws down the path. I'm lying like a monkey, with cookie in hand, and start putting some concern. I'm not so sure of being able to take it today but I feign indifference and continue to walk. At the end I decided the forest of wonders it's time to face my fears and try to call to tie it. Judi, alas, none of it. "Judi come here!" Nothing. "Judii!" Nothing! A teenage girl who always answers no! Equal. As if to say "No, I'm not coming! I want to stay here to play!" After two hours of fruitless attempts, at 12.15 I decided to give up and leave, hoping that Judi is behind me all the way home. Stain ... She looks at me puzzled (mica you go really?) But does not move. Now I'm at home, angry, depressed and disappointed.
into the house alone and I have time to notice a strange grin Egle of which, noting the lack of dog, stretches clearly and casually starts to sleep on the carpet. On his head was a bubble that read: "Ooh, thank goodness! It was time to disappear pulcioso that mass of hair."
Alessandra call us at 13.15 "but Judi is in the middle of the field." Let us return to the field, even if I'm unmotivated and I would not even take the lead. Just come see it he plays happily with Tesla and Anna tells me to pretend that nothing happened, "call it as if seeing it for a month, and do not worry." We are more than 200 meters away, I Whistle a time his appeal, he has learned to recognize, and is an idiot of a troubled teenager launches from me to cuddle and caress, suck on dirty, as if nothing had Success! As if to say: "ciaooooo! Finally you have arrived! "I melt like ice cream in the sun, my anger vanishes into thin air, hug, kiss it and lose it instantly.
rimbecillendo I'm totally ...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Can Baby Get Addicted To Orajel


in the picture: His Majesty the Grignone white hair peeping from behind the hills of Montevecchia. More at the bottom, covered with snow, Mount Legnone, maybe ... (photo taken from the "field of stubble)

Friday a heavy snow fell in the afternoon covered streets and fields of Brianza at least 10/15 cm of soft snow. At 22.00, when everyone was asleep and the rain mixed with snow continued to fall, me and Judi we ventured for our area preferred, and we had an unexpected encounter. At the center of the field, just behind the garden of Leonardo, was an animal as big as a cat, which was around sniffing here and there. Visibility was excellent, all white, stood out well on the field this animal at about 80 meters from us. Judi
pulled like crazy and then we launched in pursuit, just when I realized that it was unquestionably a fox! The big tail and long as much as the body, thin nose and ears straight left no doubt. It is a fox! And for less than 150 meters from my house!
intent was to smell and we were downwind, so we approached about 20 meters from her, when they saw us and ran away toward the grove of wonders.
Judi and I have observed through all its many traces in the snow and we had to retrace his route. Judith slipped the muzzle in virtually every fingerprint. So I found out it was a bit 'which turned around, and that also went to Cascinotto Bruno (one of the famous "cage "...) and near the gardens, near the road. A few meters before the holiday! It also explains the discovery, in December, a breeding rabbit skin, completely ravaged. The villagers and hunters, are informed of the discovery, had just ruled that this was certainly the work of a fox. I had already
saw a couple of times a fox last year, still with snow on the road that leads through fields to Bellusco, a few kilometers further east. But never so close to our country.

Yesterday morning, the second sighting of animals.
Ale had told me of the presence of a large bird of prey in the area, probably a buzzard, seen from her is that Erica in an area close to the field of stubble, one of Judi's favorite places to play. So every time I passed those parts I did a lot of attention, but I was never able to see it.
Yesterday morning I saw instead! Was busy looking for food in an area where the landowner has a habit of throwing grass clippings, manure or scrap of vegetation. I clearly seen flying away quickly, but is still very low on the ground, almost did not want to be exposed to view. A few moments and had already vanished into the forest of acacias. It was brown, with a wingspan impressive. Judi however, has not seen anything, was too busy to look for underground mice.

The day today, Sunday, but deserves a separate post, which will be released in coming days. Judi had a fling a few hours ....

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Seat Belt, Vintage Cars, Texas

Zen and the art of walking with the dog

The walk with the dog is not simply meet the physiological needs of our animal is very, very much more. First we must clarify that I am not to bring out the dog, but Judith is leading out of me. Me out because I need to breathe the cold air and biting my ass because the evening passes without interruption from the chair of the cushion of the sofa table. Because my brain is a-or hyper-trofizzato all day and now I'm anesthetizing the canvas. Why wrap dress which needs movement to live, because the sunsets, the sunrises or the afternoon sun is beautiful to see the truth and not always and only through the car's windshield or the glass window of the school. And finally, because Judith believes that the best of life is to be pampered lying on his stomach on the grass in the middle of winter.
So said, the dog finally pulls me out and look a bit 'what happens to me: my pace slows down! I do not run more like a man (unless you're doing a training session as "Judi Personal Trainer", but that's another story), there is no bus or train to catch or lose. The walk is a breeze. The goal is not to get somewhere, but simply walk. In fact, when my pace is too hurried to stop Judi thinks: for her the world is an infinite tangle of scents and tracks, one more interesting than the other. There is always a blade of grass with a smell so interesting as to deserve a break!
Even if we do another event occurs More importantly, most of the time that passes unnoticed start thinking! Think! Are not yet out of the gate of the courtyard and already beginning to think! I think of the day, all the things I've done and what I will do in the coming days, I think of the people and my thoughts flow free like a small waterfall. Organizes them and ordered them or let them go free and throw me chasing a trail of thought, just as you would with a dog smell. My pace slows down and my thoughts flow free.
not enough to be considered mad?
Then go to the next box, if you are ready, and then tell me if I'm not crazy.
At one point, when the pace and breathing slowed, when thoughts are flowed, stop thinking and start watching eventually.
follow the dog, look at what he's doing, such as smell, it smells. I do not think, just look at what she does, how it moves, such as scratches, look at how you react imperceptibly on a leash and my movements. Play with her. Lot, and I do concentrating on the game, without thinking of anything else. The game is the most serious thing there is. I make the clouds with the wind! Listening to the sounds. Relaxed and focused. That the infinitely small is infinitely large.
tried to imagine how life would be if I owned the powerful smell of a dog. I look around, look at the houses, lawns, even the stakes. I try not to express any opinion, just watch. Seeking the traces of interest, there are thousands. Everywhere.
Time stands still.

PS When back home I always try to remember to silently thank my teacher with a caress ...