Sunday, March 21, 2010

Nj Temp Disability Do You Get A W2

lesson of obedience lesson 5 ° 4 °

bee decided to try these delicate spring flowers, are the first signs of a season that was made to wait long.

Great lesson, that of last Friday. Just get well known that Judi now recognize the place, and when they start to park shows signs of growing excitement: it pulls like crazy, want to get down the field, and just go through the gate I need to leave because it is no longer for joy. With the present is quite loose, and Aldo Ale they are even able to give her treats and caressing her quietly. I also note that the higher its serenity, more games with other dogs become intense. Pierangelo already pointed out to me that Judi gives clear signs of wanting to dominate, even if not all, at least on some dogs, and even the Goddess has tried for a couple of microseconds, to keep his side. Obviously, given its particular history, I think this is absolutely positive and I consider her a slow regain of his character.
The lesson is developed, with the historical group bunched up, the contents already seen: "foot", "alt", "sit" and probabiilmente they will be content even the next lectures. Even Lilly, the Basset Hound, who returned after an absence, it seems like the company and the atmosphere is serene.
Then it's time to do an exercise about the attack and there we all moved.
We all lined up in single file, and Pierangelo explains how the exercise would take place: he would come by one of us would have taken the lead and we would have to invite the dog to the game, trying to excite him as much as possible , then we would have run away calling loudly. Pier would keep the dog while we were running away, and the dog would have much pull on the leash. The trainer then he would leave suddenly on a leash, while we, squatting, we called in a loud voice the poor beast. At that point, says Peter, the dog should come to you like lightning. The dog indeed fear more than anything else, the abandonment by the owner and the trainer uses this to further strengthen the attachment bond.
Part Tesla, holds the Pier while Al runs away calling. All we observe in silence, even the dogs seem to be on alert. Tesla rolls, leaves Pier and Tesla trots by his mistress happy. Begins within us to be born a deep tenderness at seeing the happy dog \u200b\u200bwho returns from her mistress, to hear compliments, to see him wagging his tail.
Then it's up to Judi. I invite you to the game, she looks at me excitedly. Childbirth as she launches a rocket and happy behind me, but firmly holds the Pier and leash here, when the instructor feels to be kept strong, Judi crashes. Do not look at me more, lowers his ears and tail and holds the Pier looks sad. I continue to call her, she turns to me, is the act of moving but then stops again to look Pier. Are you telling me that can not come, and at the same time passively accepts being held without opposition. I insist on calling, leaves Pier and Judi walks away from him quickly and is directed toward me, but the heartbreaking thing is that it does remain Pier turned to look, as if he were afraid that the chasing to get it. I obviously fill it with kisses and cuddles, and she seems rassenerarsi quickly. Escaped danger, think!
Then cuddle and caress while I watch the other dogs how to behave and scenes are beautiful. Few images are more beautiful and intense, for a dog owner, that see a dog that runs like a rocket into the arms of his master who calls him. The two German shepherds do in a very poignant: an arrow shot toward the master. Mila also does the same to Aldo and even Megha, which is linked almost obsessively to his master, launches firm. Lilly is also moving and tender, the Basset Hound, who trots to his master, and is also moving to know that that dog, with its stubby, Gambotto court has acted in Lomagna walk from Caserta, where he volunteers' s have entrusted to its current owner. Incredible to think about it. Simba
instead a laugh at all, because once released, instead of running from his master, happy and carefree rushes toward other dogs, as if he had been invited to a costume party, leaving his master's dejected in a corner field!
Then we make a second attempt, where Judi even not even attempt to pull on the leash, sit and watch the patient who holds Pier. It's becoming a bit ' Buddhist, like his master. In fact as soon as you leave quietly heads towards me with disdain, as if he had a little mishap that prevented her from first to arrive. It 's amazing and tender its ability to let do anything without reacting at all.
The lesson concludes with other walks on a leash and with the final game, but in the eyes of all are impressed by the images we have moved a little earlier. In the general silence of the dog to see the race was exciting and the master, let me say, almost ... intimate. Seeing that image is perceived that the relationship with your dog is something deep and unique. Relationship that is built into every minute, the hours we spend with him, all silent walks in all the hugs and the love that we exchange (because it is reciprocal exchange), in all that take care of him.
What then, I am increasingly convinced, is also and above all take care of us .
At that moment, despite all the people watching, the two were "isolated" from all, lived a short moment of intimacy, of deep mutual understanding.
And the thing that was so moved by his being a "spectator" to the meeting, rather than being directly protagonist. See
other in that intimate moment we can in fact understand better what we live and This moves us.
If I were a painter, maybe I would try to paint it, then.
I would try to communicate to those who do not live these experiences, what are your feelings as a man when he sees me that wonderful and smelly heap of white hair that more than 300 meters away you run toward him in a race fast, sleek and lightweight .
man stops, smiles, and tries to seize all the beauty of the moment.
Because he knows, he learned long ago, that this is a perfect time.

PS then when you approach the dog learns that you have just rolled in something really disgusting and repulsive, and it breaks the magic ...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

How To Replace Usps Package Lock

the arrival of spring in London. Not yet.

After taking four pears Thursday with Fulham the days are made longer and warmer. Everyone thought we were entering in the spring but no .... Today
cousin in town and spiovviggina in English and is pretty cool. In short, the March 21 as the beginning of spring and mind far enough.

Tomorrow plans to go to Cambridge to find Luigino "Lu" ball at least they hope that spring has arrived (though most of north London )....

Otherwise, how will the bank last year between a cafe and more ...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tights For Hairy Legs

beats Google for Facebook, so what?

seems that facebook just go there all day today ... quinid not surprising that according to reports of the legendary Hitwise facebook google has beaten last week, making it the then visited the famous during the "week 11" in the United States.

this may seem like a revolutionary news for the more shocking for some, for those who work in search marketing, the news is not worth much ...

fact the profits are still unclear on Facebook, which have often been bandied about, only to be moderate to almost avoided publicly. Let me be clear, well-oiled machine and facebook, but still fails to produce enough money to scare the big G.

Who fears today that facebook can beat men in Mountain View does not seem to understand how powerful google is caffeine.
Googlebot now it goes over every website at least once a day. Something that I still do not Zucchenberg protebbe remotely conceive.

In regard to the use and consumption of Internet: Well I would say that now as in all media (eg TV) ignorance wins. Because let's face it, facebook and something really ignorant. And I mean by "end user".

We'll see how Google will take 'overtaking this ..... I do not think that there is no other alternative but to further improve the results (especially dear Matt Cutts not get away they left to those who buy the link).

's all for now, I close by saying that now we are just on facebook all and perhaps it 's time to leave because' no longer in fashion.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Uncensored Brentfree Movies

Since there is no 'on Chelsea TV in

inutilissimo I'm delighted with another post.
Today I read a couple of interesting articles, including one from the Wall Street Journal, which speaks of the next companies that will become one of the most important in the world and maybe in one of them is' the future also "google" .
It's nice to see a company to I worked and I left in a moment of great expansion. Many

able to show you why. Well the answer simply is not so simple! Not all companies are about to become the "big hit" are companies in which it is pleasant to work or you disagree with the policies of expansion. Well because it can be seen from outside the company as a fast-growing internally, but may have many flaws. Companies that grow quickly in fact do not have time to select staff that will take, and often, very often promovuono internamete people to fill managerial roles. THE
sometimes leading to errors irremediabili thick (how do you dismiss a head of 15 people in a start-up?) and few have the balls to do it.

maggioparte I'm not surprised that companies (or companies like saying my generation) are all American .... enjoy favorable situations and facilitates' investment ....

But mind you, as the Wall Street Journal, mki not be surprised that you forgot to look at Europe ....

In short, we Europeans have to be at the forefront if we want to once again pursue the beloved overseas

Monday, March 15, 2010

Beads To Fit Troll Bracelet

Pecunia Non Olet? I think not. A man

I have always believed pecunia non olet worked all over the world but after being in the worst coffee in London believe just smell the money ... Then I
and Mo we have entered this hole near the Borough Mareket the South Bank to watch the hotel for the May Bank Holiday we have planned to A'daam.

The waiter before us the ok for the hotspot 's all working, "he says. Then we sit down, and after ten minutes (the coffee 'had not yet arrived) asked us not to use the laptop din' cause after six and not 'over a café but a restaurant. Also told us that if we wanted to continue using the handset we had to use it outside. Less than -15 degrees. Well thanks
beggar. You've definitely earned a tip.

First the food is shit and then eat some nachos beloved by beggars.

when I started to write this post I did some research and I could not but rejoice when I read that in the past are administration.

It did not surprise me after this wonderful experience.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

What Is The Price Of The Bmw Gina

Apple (WAZ) Windows encounters a man (myself)

Well yes, of groomed waz emphasizes the creative my veins. so thanks to a super cool software, movie I made in his last two emails.
I mean, the guy is a fan boy and do not stop to tell me that I have to switch to Apple at all costs because with Apple you can:
-be super cool

call-load your profile
-go to twitter
-load applications heck
-play when you're underground.
-Be super cool.

is the problem and that we need to work with computers.

When a man meets a man with a Windows Apple and Apple with the man over.
Or not?

Do You Congratulate Someone Who Just Had A Baby

The Baobad Of Franz

In the south of France .... someone grow a baobab

superbaobab the badass of franz

but that the balls. potersti not get nasty with lavender?
stereotypes alive ...

There Anybody Been On The Bait Bus

course of obedience lesson

In the picture: in the vicinity of the "Olympic pool Tesla," Judith ostrich sticks its head, losing the spectacular snow capped mountains.

the 4th lesson of obedience to the course. The hordes of the Mongols have abandoned clearings Lomagna, there is no trace of Genghis Khan and his dogs, and then the historical group was bunched up cheerful and happy. Pierangelo
we head one by one in the conduct of the dog, we have to cock, but finally congratulated the whole group: we are working well. At the controls already seen classics, "foot" and "alt", add the "run" and, now, even the "sit". Judith behaves well with the first three but with the "sitting" does not seem to understand: if I stand in front of her sits perfectly, but if the command will do while she is on my side there's no way to make her sit. I'm hoarse, but she looks at me with disdain, as if I were a crazy compatible possessed. Peter does not want me to go ahead, tell me to pull the tail down, but she opposes a high resistance and I do not want to do it violence, however small, to force it, so I like the students when the Pier I I can see I put myself in front quickly, and I give the command. Judi seems to understand and sits down right away, so quickly back into place with a smug smile on his lips, Judi is sitting beside me all proud and we look just a perfect pair to the final scene of a beautiful tear-jerking movie. Stuff to sunset in the background, violins and strings crescendo and shot running from us and then rises up to frame the valley, the sea, the mountains and then slowly fading in the closing credits. I caressed the big head on, smile at her and I seem to catch a flick accomplice in her eyes.

We also started to give us to eat only food prepared by Judi us, so just enough nuggets and foraging multinationals Now it is only rice, ricotta, vegetables, raw and cooked meat, and cooking pots and appeared chunks of meat. Yesterday, while preparing his mash with boiled rice and minced meat, Egle my cat looked at me puzzled, and then I tried to put a little 'for minced meat in his bowl. He sniffed as he would the Queen of England with a plate of fried grasshoppers, she turned to me smugly and walked away without even tasting it hurt!
Two seconds after the flesh had already disappeared, swallowed by the jaws of Judi!

Spring is upon us, the temperature is much more pleasant and farmers began to plow the land for planting. One of the two fields of stubble and then disappeared and failed one of her favorite places, but in return I discovered that Judi goes wild running like crazy in the freshly plowed earth, soft and fragrant as a barking a madman. She even at the height of excitement, happy to lie in the warm earth, as if it were on the carpet at home, and I must say that this has a point. Out of curiosity, I approached her and I've tried to sit and breathe for a few minutes smells strong, in the middle of a newly plowed field.
not tell anyone: it is really nice.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Which Fruit Is Good For Phlegm

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Discount Hair Straightening London

Soul and Pet Obedience Course

"We are steeped in nostalgia for the old wilderness. There are few antidotes approved for that longing. We were taught to be ashamed of such a desire. We let his hair grow and we have used to hide the feelings. But the shadow of the Wild Woman flattens still within us, in our days, our nights. Everywhere and always, the shadow that trots behind us is definitely four-legged. "
Clarissa Pinkola Estes - Women Who Run with Wolves

That night I had a strange dream. I dreamed my head (!) That made a comment about the paucity of my genitals. Or rather, he claimed that my attribute had "shrunk". (Please at this point the gentlemen readers to refrain from any comment. So I know the words to "My Head" "genitals" and "shrunk" my analyst is already sbellicando with laughter, Sergeant true?).
So, I said, I was preoccupied thinking on that strange dream, and walked slowly nell'half pipe, that path that is flanked by steep banks (such as a trench, Sergeant ....!!). Judith was free, without a leash but with the "Dumbo's feather," which reminds her to come back, and turned quiet sniffing every bush.
At one point, I feel his presence beside me, and I realize that I am sure the side, but on the shore, higher by respecting me.
It is also recognized that its pace is exactly synchronized to the mine. Continue for some tens of meters perfectly side by side, silent, and I under her on the shore, and then I hunch, a feeling.
I have the clear impression that Judi is a part of me.
Judi represents and symbolizes the ancient part of my soul and wild. That guy that made me go whole afternoons in the woods looking for wood to make a good slingshot, or that pushed me to challenge the chill of late autumn, in the fields of Masanti, to throw a javelin made of hazel wood. I remember perfectly that feeling, that cold, chapped cheeks and hands, the wet grass and the smell of fresh earth and penetrating. And the need to stay outside until it was dark forwarded. And the pleasure of playing and running and jumping, with no other purpose than to play with themselves and with the world. And the time did not exist. There was! The time was the cycle of the sun, when he slept We woke up with dark and light. He liked it no matter what, any time. And the rain do not stop at all, just changed the background of your games. With the rain gutters and discovered the dams and channels made of stones. And the snails, toads and trout fat and juicy after the storm became voracious. There was in the barn, while outside the flood, forbidden to speak and exchange information to adults, watching the swallows lined up on the wire, hundreds of them. He looked at the rain as a pleasant break.
It drew liberally on the inexhaustible source of energy and creativity that is the soul of everyone wild.
And now I'm with Judi, in continuous contact with this side of the soul, I "re-find" to lie down on straw stubble in the field, and to discover that even in winter is warm! I am chatting with Alex and the other dog owners, and all, let us if, with all the atmosphere is always relaxed, he smiles a lot. It turns out that walking in the cold not only good for the body but keeps us in touch with something ancient and pleasant, increases energy and good humor, it is no longer active. Not only that. There are more dirty, as boys, smells become stronger. The trappings of social life, clothing, decoration, machine, good manners, let them for when we are at work, but when we go to the fields we get rid of a little ' of these weights. To prepare me to carry out Judith is like getting rid of a burden: the hollowing out of work clothes quickly and are happy to slip just as quickly in old and dirty trousers, the jacket tanned, in boots. We dog owners happy and happy dog \u200b\u200bowners, we go around the fields tanned as the Roma, with all due respect. Scarecrow street vendors, dressed in improbable hats and gloves from a few pounds. And all this I find it incredibly liberating and energy. The presence of
Judi has created a bridge between me and my soul through the wilderness which are brought to the surface energies that thought disappeared.
Maybe, I say "maybe", the animals in general and especially domestic ones, have that purpose: to keep in touch with the underwater world of our wild soul, even without being fully aware, it does not matter.
's why the relationship with Judith is getting stronger. I know that through you I'm coming home in that old place where he lives and indescribable my being animal , my animus , my spirit. Where to stay
my Anemos, my wind.
My breath, my aura.
The principle of life, which they sometimes perceive the presence but, like all things essential is invisible to the eye.

PS I know that the Sergeant at this point, thinking about my dream, has a sly smile on his face and his eyes sparkle, or am I wrong?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Rn#56323-ca#05553 Nike Pant

3 Course

Third lesson with unscheduled thrill.
Do you know Genghis Khan? A type such as Mulan, so to speak. Well Genghis Khan came Friday to register for the course. Pants in military fatigues, army-green jacket, fur hat type explorer in the Yukon some kind of animal fur, boots, hands in pockets, sounding a little 'sapientone and arrogant and a dog leash type Samoyed or Husky or something like that. Wonderful dog and proud, but in the hands of such a character can easily become a weapon improperly.
The lesson begins with a whim of Judi that you do not take myself. Pierangelo me step by step guide and its recommendations within a few minutes take it quietly, in a moment that I learn with the right moves with ease and I can get it easily: first lesson! Once deployed
begin a long and intense training, where the dogs are working simultaneously, each with its own master, and the pace is intense. Pierangelo guide us wisely and observe that to us has just the look of the pack leader, we are doing precisely understand what it means to make the pack leader. In the tone of voice, gaze, posture and in the management of physical space, we is just saying: "I am your leader, I command here" In fact, I
Ale and there beaks cazziatone suffered because we were not in line, and looks a bit ', we react just like our dogs to stoop and head his tail between his legs asking humbly apologize! Second lesson.
at breaks reminds us to vacate the dogs and we re-explain in detail what to do in case of disputes. Perhaps you have already sniffed the air ....
Judi, Tesla, and all courts, including a beautiful Basset Hound named Lilly, playing happy and serene, while the dog of Genghis Khan is around with the air of one who seeks the fight. In fact, shortly after Simba in his way, the Labrador agitated that I have already told you last time, a cheerful dog, playful, lively and unruly, with a master's calm and quiet. Simba is not prepared to put themselves in the foot and head start in about a fierce fight, where the Khan Genghis Khan (... nice, right?) Has the upper hand, manages to grab the neck of Simba and seems to snatch away volerglielo . Now involved the owner of Simba and .... Pierre! Why Genghis Khan, still with his hands in his pockets, was limited only to shout no to his dog! Pier seek to divide and then screams Mongolian (understood as ethnic ...): "TAKE YOUR CANEEEE!" A series of words in Monza that I can not mention, but a "SIDEELA SLUT!" (Literally "pig bucket!") Yelled over and over again, while the Khan Khan still held firmly between his teeth, the throat of Simba. Once separated said four dogs Pierangelo him to type, and all those present, transfixed by the scene, we do hope that it is no longer accepted on the course. Someone runs to collect signatures to send him away ... The host
Megha (in diet, poor thing!), Watch the brief scene of the fight and declares softly: "I'm not coming over to the course if that remains." It
control any injury to Simba, but with great relief to discover that all the skin of the labrador is really tough: only a small scratch on his ear. In the more he seems to have recovered his usual buoyant mood, while the other animals seem you understand everything, it does not play any more, and soon we all return to work.
Pier still guides us calmly, even for him, the episode is closed. Third lesson. Immediately recover the calm in such situations is remarkable.
We continue to work tirelessly, "foot" run "" alt ", the dogs seem to have improved visibly and the rest of the lesson row via smooth smooth. Eventually the dogs are pretty tired, in fact there is still much to play, and at 6 we are all already in the car, relaxed and satisfied. The next few hours the
Judi will instead on the carpet in front of the couch, in catatonia lethargic ...