Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How Do Pakistani Get Their Skin Lighter

The first time you never forget ... Judith

photo: Judi plays hide and seek in the corn is now high

We are at the height of "firsts"!

The other day, for the first time , Judi barked when my daughter tried to enter the house but found the door locked. We were all on the couch with her spread on the carpet, Ele was down by close to playing with the little Matthew. When he rose he found the door closed, and the sound of the handle that has sparked the decisive turning bark (they say so?) Judi, who then was reassured when he realized it was the Ele.

Last night, for the first time, we also released in the evening stroll.
was me, Anna and Ele, the evening was cool and pleasant, the moon was a good light so we decided to take a stroll in the fields, without going too far. And we released. Judith
there was near but was beaming and it was clear: happy wagging his tail, and then ran back to us to be pampered.

reaching the edge of the grove that leads dall'apicultore we saw some lights in the dark: FIREFLY! For the first time this year last night we also met this wonder of nature. So we more deeply in the woods, just a few meters and saw dozens of fireflies slowly coming out of the woods. A magical show. For several minutes we have been spellbound in silence in the dark to enjoy this magic! On the way back

Anna groped proposed to return home without putting the leash to Judi. He was really happy last night and could thus be a good opportunity to give it a try, especially since there was not a soul around (that's their problem, do not know what they are lost ...). Judi has been fantastic. E 'come with us and for the first time she returned home without the use of the leash. Imagine the holidays that we did when he walked through the door!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

About To Start My Period How Should My Cervix Be


I waited a long time.
waiting for the moment when Judi had shown signs of territoriality and security against the "flock" in which he lives, and last night it happened. It is worth to tell what, in the eyes of a neophyte, it would pass as a trivial incident but that, knowing the story of Judith, took a rather different meaning. Judi
usually spends his evenings, while we have dinner, quietly magnificence on the carpet in front of the couch. There, stretched, and if the sleeping blissfully. But when Alex is at dinner with us (my daughter's boyfriend), Judi is always very frightened and asked to go out on the balcony in his bed, where she finally calms down. Yesterday evening, while the two boys were upstairs, she wandered restlessly in the kitchen, instead it is almost never, and I was particularly attacked. If I moved from the sink to the fridge she followed me, if I went out to the balcony to throw the plastic was behind me, and so on. Egle went crazy and blew like a cobra, even the kitchen because it has always been considered as a "his" exclusive territory, but I did not mind, partly because the kitchen was a bit 'crowded, with Anna and Ele you were busy. When
Ale appeared at the end of the scale to come to the table I was placing something in the fridge and gave his back to Judi that behind me, was more than 5 or 6 meters by Ale at that moment just the first step of staircase leading upstairs. Well
Judi briefly snarled at him!
was away from him, and among them was the plank dining room, he could run away and instead he was among the four of us and growled, showed that it wanted to protect the flock!
beginning I did not noticed, I was shot, then I looked at Ali and asked him if I heard right, if it was true that he growled. Yes, we have only heard from him and I was so weak growl but it was true!
I've calmed down and kissed and I told Al to ignore it, ignore it and do not look absolutely as absolute, as if there were, and sit at a table next to me. If he had still other signs of aggression, I would have intervened. Judi
instead has now calmed, and we are no longer away. E 'remained all through dinner under the table, between our legs, including those of Ale, which is no longer facing any sign. E 'remained calm throughout the evening to snooze under the table, legs Ale a few inches from her! Quiet and without the slightest sign of aggression, but not fear.
As if that little sign of pride or courage or self-esteem that he did, he had made more secure and less fearful.
It 's definitely positive everything that has happened, even if we now need to pay attention to the fact that Judi did not leave "too much" take the sense of security to us and territoriality.
As she grows more and more self-esteem will also build confidence toward others, or, and that's what we try to explain to her with the training, when he is with his "pack leader" should not have anything to fear.
why I growled when I calmed down and then I talked to Ale and I ordered to get close to me. The whole scene, translated into canine language, it meant: Judi
growling Ale and looks into his eyes, "Hey, Hugh! There is a dangerous stranger here!" Ugo
talking with Judi and reassures her: "Well done Judi, now I'll! I saw! It is not dangerous, but check it myself by hand!"
Ale Judi who never looks into his eyes: "Judi quiet, do not insult, I will not be dangerous, I'm here good good "
Score: Judi proud and peaceful sleep under the table.
Not bad.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Template For Community Hours

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Scholarships For Students With Thyroid Condition

Show Indium

Indio, then that would be my brother, makes a exhibition in Como, at the Art Cafe "The 5 senses in via Diaz 56. It 's a good chance to see up close and eventually buy his paintings.
Or meet him in person and chat.
And Remember that Como is a very beautiful city ...

PS this post has Good News as a label, a new section ... let us not lose sight of even the good news ...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Best Highschool Canadian Basketball Prospects


via E!
Since we are depression in the mood to watch the course of the foothills:
Studiatevelo well.
Observe carefully the fields and forests will disappear and imagine the trucks to and from Malpensa to pass from here and all those who want to cut off milan.
Try to imagine the noise, because right now coming out in the fields at night (but also during the day) you can clearly hear the noise of the freeway, just imagine a little 'highway to six lanes, three for each direction. And all that beautiful
slaughter of roads down near Bellusco, is an area of \u200b\u200bservice!
Why we needed it, man, a beautiful area of \u200b\u200bservice, that if all goes well be called "service area Villanova! It is to be proud of!
But we are sure that this is called "progress"?
We are very confident that will improve our lives?
not that, by chance, we are taking away what little we have nice and clean (free rides), and in return we are giving new cars (to buy ...) and new directions (for a fee ...) ?
"Progress" wants us to spend, is consumed. Whether you use the most exemplary of the car, come on! Eat! Eat! Buy new cars, maybe green (but where were these green cars that now sprout like mushrooms? Where were a few years ago? Why tell us that the hydrogen car will be used only in 2040 and not now? And, incidentally, just in 2040, when there is a depletion of oil resources? It 's a coincidence?) And with our new cars speeding on highways ecologicissime brand-new.
At least a couple of years with our beautiful ecological Toy car, we will be queued in the foothills instead of the bypass, you would like to?
I can not understand why, tell me you are never found the money to improve public transportation, light rail, commuter trains, cycle paths, but when it comes to building a new highway, bridge or whatever has to do with cars and money are always just. Why?

The Native Americans were called savages ...
Let me be wild, please. Save me from this progress.