Friday, December 24, 2010

Cyst Upper Pole Of Kidney

Happy Holidays!

J ★ E wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Motorcycleloud Stereosystems

Playing with pictures

Judi and I star of the Web ..

Ele My daughter (!) I suggested a nice site that allows you to make beautiful montages in a single click. Here's the link:
I tried to play around 'with photos of Judi, and I have lost way to many minutes. Really funny. You can also make nice pictures for Christmas ...

Judi and I also star in the web between the dogs ...

Ah, Love ....

I am also in the heart of a blonde ...

Judi and Hugo for President!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Looking For Samoa Quotes

Info World Tour Hong Kong leg

I left the info for the first concert in Hong Kong. Tickets will go on sale Dec. 14 at varying prices of $ 1.480 a HH HH $ 480 that the change in euro range from € 143 to € 46. To publicize the event the organizing team has released a promo poster that you can see by clicking the image below ...

Segelboot Tartan 27 Info

Janet a Milano!

Janet in Milan these days is most likely to define the last details of his world tour and especially the costumes made by house Versace.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Shiny Pokemon Images Silver Version

Number Ones World Tour '011

February 14 will depart from Hong Kong's new World Tour Janet. The first concert will inaugurate this new series of shows around the world will be held at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition will center. Tickets can be purchased from Tuesday, December 14 from 10 am.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Mustafa Gold Mall In Singapore

last Winter

I know that may sound strange, but I do not and Judi vedavamo forward to winter. Those sunny days cold, the snow, the fireplace that goes all the time, give me a sense of peace that I do not feel in any season. And now here we are. The outputs in the fields are just moments of joy, both for me and Judi, running like crazy eating tons of snow. There were few people around, if we exclude the hunters that this year have not abandoned the land and continue undeterred to shoot at anything, and then you are fine in the fields. The grass has stopped growing, the fields are free and all paths are feasible, unlike the summer when most of them were overgrown by nettles as tall as me, and going around now is a real treat for connoisseurs. Also because the nature gives you truly poetic images ...

dawn in the fog ...

... and a sunset Brianza DOC .. .

Judith is slowly, very slowly, regaining possession of his character. First, although playing with all dogs, had a mostly submissive behavior, especially if a dog was a bit 'aggressive. After a long therapy with a signed game, which lasted all summer, I noticed that Judi was getting more confident. In the game I jumped him happy and safe way to try to take the items with which I could play: wood, rags, corncobs, and even my shirt in my hand! Those who had seen me in those moments would have thought that a white wolf attacking a man the same: I barked, jumping from here and there, running like un'indemoniata in a game more immersive and "physical". Almost as if "we did the fight" ...
the late summer, during a walk, emerging from a grove suddenly encounters in Asia, a cross German Shepherd very aggressive, that it throws away without giving them time to escape. Well Judi took out his teeth and launched into a good brawl with bells and whistles. Nothing has been subdued, and for the first time since I have, has stood up well to the unpleasant. I saw your fight to defend themselves, lasted a few seconds, then immediately ran from me, a little 'proud and a bit' scared. I've calmed down and I complimented, because I think that you have been very important to be able to cope with that dog, its own self-esteem had a great need. I felt really proud of her! The owner of Asia instead, just picked up his pet, he began to beat her, apologizing for what he had done. Judi had not shown even a minimal scratch, rather it had gone very fortified, so I told her not to worry, but not to beat the dog, he had no guilt. Then we went away, and Judi trotted beside me proud and a bit 'confused, hoisting his tail like a pirate flag, mouth half open, ears and a beautiful straight look smart printed on its face. If you only take
really aware of that dog, it would become a real beauty, just as when we see it in our walks, when completely free and safe.

This beautiful first floor of the snow Judi deserves a story of what combined when it snows, but the reference to a specific post.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Prosti Of Aubrey Miles

World Tour 2011!

Janet announced that next year will be back in concert with a world tour. In this regard it is addressed directly to his fans asking them to vote for your favorite cities in which it will stop with the show. Watch this video for all the details.