Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Magic Gathering Mana Curve Calculator

Test summer

Masanti above (PR). Eleonora successful, with only one photo on the fly, to catch an expression of Judi in 8 months that I have not been able to peck. Damn ...! (The dog is left ...)

was almost a test. Judi wanted to bring in "my" woods and see how he behaved during output in unknown places for you and full of mystery. I wanted to check in particular its behavior toward me I would have been close? I would able to take it? I plan everything with my daughter, things to wear, as long as we'll be away, to do the shopping. Contact my mother and ask if he wants to join our team. Even for her return after more than 20 years in the woods must be considerable emotion, and therefore accepts willingly. The departure is scheduled for early August. The trip
slickly smooth, with a short break to make it dirty. Judi car really starts to be good. Our goal is Masanti di Sopra, a remote village in the Parma Apennines, where I spent every summer of my childhood and where I left the boy who climbed trees and fished for trout in the stream. Perhaps
are here just because I'm going to find that kid .... who knows ....
The days are beautiful, and Judi in the woods is very good. Then, when I can go out alone with her emotions increase exponentially. Often I stop in the woods, in total silence. You hear no noise of civilization, only trees that move, running water and sprites and nymphs of the forests that appear everywhere. I sit on a rock, watch Judi sniffing around, I touch the floor and I think that, just this, it is pure happiness.

week scheduled runs at a speed stratospheric, we see starry unimaginable, we count dozens of shooting stars and share it with the desire to return as soon as possible. Said than done.
After a week, shortly after mid-August, I'm back in Masanti, the mushrooms have started to sprout and I want to grasp the opportunity to go out again with Judi on "my" mountains. And emotions are more intense ....

The departure in the dark, the mushrooms, the smell of the mountains, Judi following me everywhere .... a wonderful memory. I decided to return: next year I'll try to rent a house here, I want to return to live these emotions.
I finally found the little boy ...