Monday, June 7, 2010

Best Engagment Wordings

Antonio and Giuseppe

Antonio and Giuseppe July 29 are the next Great Leap Forward, Mao Zedong as the great saying (not reveal how he ended up ...), and I had fun to interview the stars and I did a careful analysis of anagrams of the words "GIUSI ANTONELLO.
Here are the results.

from indicators purely culinary " hens burned" and "burned lambs" that may refer to Giusi, then there is what could be a statement about how he did it to convince Antonello: "the naive took off! ", then, threatening:" tuned on it to him! " Or, speaking in a tone to the brothers decided to Antonello and referring his duties imminent, "the freight extinct!" Damn! They said: " signals the thunder!" woman! And then, more concerned, " not use traps?".
Giusi, answer, how did you react to their harsh words? "Negai the insult!"

And to think that Antonio, in the most romantic even called himself "the your marker!" when he looked into his eyes languidly. And friends, when they have known they were doing everything ourselves were also cynical: " no agents? deluded!" And others brutally tried to convince him not to Antonello, suggesting a loophole to get out, " deluded! Denied, no ? "But Antonio was now the party:" him known signals ... "

In search of new anagrams then I found also a politician:" We League? insult "and a mysterious" attach Tunisian "that no one knows what it refers to.
Then, at last, I found it.
Here is the real reason why they marry.
clear and concise as anagrams can be.
's why they get married, that's why we devote
... that's why they finally decided to go to a church to be consecrated

because ... " OINTS ARE LEGAL .