Sunday, January 31, 2010

Daniel B. Miller, Elizabeth Lonke, Timothy Winer


We could not let escape an opportunity to race in the snow, and so yesterday morning we went out early to enjoy the snow in the fields and footpaths. Above, a glimpse of the path of the "forest of wonders" as they called elementary school children who came here with the teachers to discover nature.

E 'discover beautiful corners yet bellli to your doorstep.

Judi seems born to these landscapes ...

Highlights of Judith

Friday, January 29, 2010

What Is Russian Bare?

Two Steps forward and one back

to be expected.
It 'about a week that I started to let off the leash, first for short periods and then longer and longer. Yesterday morning I tried to take her to his itinerary "classic" entirely off the lead and it went just fine: in the outdoors running and jumping away from me, but when I walked into a grove I approached and I was always around, without ever losing of view. I called her when I arrived at a crossroads and indicate the direction that I took, then I walked. She wanted it to follow me and not vice versa. Judi often approached and was stroking serene. The time to go home was quiet and obedient, and has had no problems putting the leash.
In the afternoon I did an encore and everything went fine, except that the return has thought to roll around in the soot piled at the side of a garden, with the result of tanning so crazy. When we got home I realized that was not enough to pass it with a damp cloth and then I made the unfortunate decision to put it in the shower and wash it. Operation not just simple and especially terrifying to the psyche of Judith, who has experienced moments of pure terror. After several hours of hard work Judi was clean and fragrant, but, alas, very angry with myself: no cuddles and terrified whenever I approached.
The night walk is full of unknowns, and therefore did not want to leave, but then I left and I did soften. At first he played a lot with me, then found and made a stain skin (including ...), rolling in the mud up to his return, when Judi has got his way and did not want to be touched. After a few minutes I got it, but I have gills to collar with a quick gesture, and she has offended and frightened yelp. Damn. Return home and long chat with Judi, trying to calm her.
afternoon, hot sun, bring it out and meet Tesla playing and decided to leave it again, just that I underestimated his memory. After an hour to run quietly in the fields and paths, where there was stroking smoothly, come to "his" field has not done more to bring, and I managed to catch it after almost an hour of trying. And once again I had to quickly collar, and she yelped at length, as if I had done wrong ....
I do not know, it seems that confidence in me has taken a leap backwards, now it will take a lot of patience to get it back. Today it can be approached serene, it always shows frightened and submissive, and do not look for the little darlings.
Ugh ......

In the picture a glimpse of the path back from Rugginello, with the "Galaverna" trees. PS

few moments ago I opened the balcony door, she wanted to enter and has become spoiled long .... hopefully ...