Monday, July 6, 2009

Chevy With Xd Rockstar Wheels

Last night I had confirmation that Johnny Depp and 'a bad actor.
Public Enemy and 'the worst gangster movie history?
Depp pale, little face of infant, also with a scar.
should follow only for a pubbici roles of babies.
to serious things we think about others.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

What Does An F Cup Look

never go to a Lebanese restaurant ,
even if you have had the best reviews in the last five years,
before a night out with friends ....

Friday, July 3, 2009

How Common Are Asymmetrical Breasts

this post and 'a really cool open those working in search marketing:
You Know When You When You work in search, a lot of fun, some points are really high-quality'

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ask For Money On Your Birthday

I'm back in blogosphera

and so here I am in blogosphera, there are some things that I promise: I will try 'to speak as little as possible oline marketing, search engine optimization and even less about social media.

few notes every now and could get away ...

I will try 'to speak of London's nightlife and restaurants I frequent ...