Monday, July 6, 2009

Chevy With Xd Rockstar Wheels

Last night I had confirmation that Johnny Depp and 'a bad actor.
Public Enemy and 'the worst gangster movie history?
Depp pale, little face of infant, also with a scar.
should follow only for a pubbici roles of babies.
to serious things we think about others.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

What Does An F Cup Look

never go to a Lebanese restaurant ,
even if you have had the best reviews in the last five years,
before a night out with friends ....

Friday, July 3, 2009

How Common Are Asymmetrical Breasts

this post and 'a really cool open those working in search marketing:
You Know When You When You work in search, a lot of fun, some points are really high-quality'

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ask For Money On Your Birthday

I'm back in blogosphera

and so here I am in blogosphera, there are some things that I promise: I will try 'to speak as little as possible oline marketing, search engine optimization and even less about social media.

few notes every now and could get away ...

I will try 'to speak of London's nightlife and restaurants I frequent ...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Most Reliable Memory Cards

'll Try '--- LABYRINTH

A song about a video that despite being a little 'time ago, just got a job here, I still like to listen !!!!! Grande Miguel!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Brightest White Pottery Barn Paint


hyena At my favorite! a person in such a short time managed to give me so much ..... more than many people I know from a lifetime wish a happy birthday!! and I hope that life will henceforth reserve surprises that make every day of your life more special! I love you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ale (Thanks to Silvia who gave me A BIG HAND creating it!)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

1st Birthday Thank You For Coming


Anyone wishing to may send a contribution by sending a sms . Tim , Vodafone, Wind and 3 Italy have set the number 48580 solidarity to raise money for the people of Abruzzo hit by the quake. For each sms sent will contribute € 1 . If you call from a landline the donation of 2 € . All proceeds will be donated to Civil protection and rescue assistance. Will be provided all the information on the use of funds raised.
Among the many initiatives of solidarity is also the start of Mediafriends . To help you make a donation via bank transfer the following account Mediafriends IBAN: IT 41 D030 6909 4006 1521 5320 387. Cause: Earthquake.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pityriasis Rosea And Ringworm Differences


El singer Miguel Bosé iniciará turns up española "Papitour 2009" en Mérida on 20 June, which will feature the group "The Cabriolets" as the opening act and his niece Bimba Bosé gives voice, as explained today at the presentation ceremony. Link

vedere l'articolo dove full! 10 date ..... is a ce ne fosse in Italia !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Boobs Showing From Clothes

2009 Happy Birthday, Miguel! Vuelve Papito

one, nessuno, Centomila ...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Ferret Cages Blueprints


Miguel Bosé returns to Mallorca to show that is in great shape. Will be July 29 at the coliseum Palma. Here
try to repeat the success of last year - this will be one of the last chances to get back to enjoy the live show Daddy.
Grande Miguel, ancora di più ci regalerai is an Italian data! aspettiamo you !!!!!!!!!!